Most Disturbing Thing Ever Seen at a Show?

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by tokabowl420, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Thread title pretty much says it all, what's the most disturbing thing you've seen at a show and where? By disturbing, I mean pretty much anything that has sketched you out or just been weird haha.

    At this past bonnaroo, some kid seized right in front of me when phish started their set right after he offered me acid. I had to pick him up first with his friend and lift him over the rail to the security guard. The kid just had his eyes wide open, like he had absolutely no idea who he was or where he was. It really sketched me out at the moment, I've been to many shows and seen people fall out but not like that right in front of me.

    Also, when I went to Wakarusa, I knocked on the porto-potty and no one answered. The door was open so I figured no one was inside. I opened the door and some kid was inside with all his shit ready to shoot up....fucking nasty and unbelievably unsanitary to shoot up in a fucking porto-potty. Those are pretty much the only things I can think of at the time haha.
  2. #2 ismokegreen, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    that shit would sketch me the fuck out.:eek:
  3. dude trying to be cool and do backflip for some random reason and landed right on his head and died.
  4. I was opening for Shwayze at peabodys I'm Cleveland and I went outside to have a smoke and I noticed three guys passing a flask and kinda chuckled to myself. Immediatly after that, one of them just passed out and face planted, the second and third guys following him. One of them ended up cracking his head open and got picked up by an ambulance. We later found out that it was moonshine that was made wrong.

    On a humorus note, immediatly after the three guys clocked out and hit the floor shwayze came out of the tour bus and said "damn I didn't know clevelands weed was THAT good!" haha.
  5. A kid died at a Snoop dogg 311 concert I was at. We saw him on the floor but no one knew the kid was dead until much later.
  6. i always see some random kid not knowing what hes getting into when he goes into a pit, and he gets NAILED and is out cold, people have to carry him out, haha. happens every show. i never get hurt though, its easy not to if you know how to keep your eye on the pit haha.

    edit: severely hurt i mean, i always come out with a couple of scratches or bruises.
  7. ive actually seen this twice at 2 different shows (well same band)

    the first time was over a year ago for a slightly stoopid show...this kid in front of me fell to the floor, then got up and starting having a seizure in front of me or something...he was like convulsing up and down for like 30 seconds while everyone close was like wtf is going on...he then fell to the floor and it looked like he was gonna throw right on my i push everyine out of my way and he starts to dry heave on the floor but he couldnt puke...i assume he was on xtc or sumthin like that

    then i saw pretty much the same thing at slightly stoopid this year in november..excpet this time i was tripping absolute balls (took 3 hits of acid and 1 hit of xtc...aka canduflipping) and it was just so awkward...i was like shud i do lol...but it really wasnt funny...i was the first to notice this kid wasnt lookin so good

    big buzzkills both times...unfortunately i never found out what happened to either of them...but it looked like life threatening stuff...definitly disturbing to see
  8. At Coachella 2006, saw a dude smack his girl outside the Sahara Tent. Went up to him, got in his face for fucking up, and and told em 'not here bro'. Then i comforted his girl and spent the rest of the day chillin with her. She was hella cool, i sharred my e's with her and she gave me shrooms. Turned out cool but really sucked to see that at a show. And to that bitch ass muthafucker that did that shit i shoulda beat ur ass but didnt want to make the situation worse or get myself arrested when i was rollin ya dig??? Karma's a bitch when ur on the wrong side....
  9. i saw someone with shit all over them sleeping on the ground
  10. When I opened up for the Murder Junkies, Dino the naked drummer put a drumstick up his ass... yep...
  11. I was at some underground trance club (which in this area is pretty much known as the junkie-club), and there was some big-name DJ playing there that night.

    At about 5AM when the club had gotten pretty empty, we saw some kid (I shit you not, 13 or 14 years old) on the dancefloor just standing there, eyes wide open, looking like he was paralyzed and shaking at the same time (I can't even describe it).

    A bit later, we were sitting around a bonfire close to the entrance/exit, and we saw his friends carrying this kid out by the arms and legs, and was in convulsions. At the same time, all the music switched off, and all you could hear were people talking in serious, hushed tones.

    It was the creepiest thing ever. You could feel everyone panicking (this club usually stays open until 10am), trying to quickly organize drugs before they closed. Desperation just hung in the air.

    To make it worse one of my friends said "Poor kid's not gonna make it. No ambulance is gonna come pick up an OD'd kid from this part of town at this time." And it was true, even the police are too scared to come anywhere near this club.

    To make matters worse I was tripping on 3 tabs of LSD, so everything was unbearably intense.

    Never gone back to that club since. Creeped the life out of me.
  12. i went to a local metal show and one band brought a little kid up on stage and ripped off his shirt and started cutting him with razor blades then pushed him off. i talked to him afterword and he had agreed on doing it but it was creepy when i didnt know he agreed
  13. #13 woweezowee, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    kind of off topic, but funny and a bit gross if you're squeamish like me. about a year ago my friend (i wasn't actually there at the time) went to a metal show that he had been psyched about for months. (municipal waste, a band from richmond) he joined a mosh pit in one of the opening acts, and ended up dislocating his knee, missing the band he went to see.

    this is where i come into the story. i had just smoked up at home, and was planning on picking up said friend in a few hours when the show was over. just as i finished off the bowl, my friend calls me. he speakis in a voice of pure distress, saying "umm, dude, can you pick me up?" i assume something crazy happened like a fight broke out or he got busted or something. "yeah. are you alright?" i say. he assures me that he is fine. i stumble out of the house, and get in my car. halfway through the drive, he calls me again to tell me to hurry up.

    now the venue im picking him up at is downtown, and downtown richmond is a pain in the ass to drive around on a friday night. drunk drivers anywhere, although i can't really complain, because i was still pretty stoned at the time. i'm an ok stoned driver, and i'm very cautious, but i get paranoid easily. i find my friend sitting on a bench with another friend. miraculously, there is a parking spot right next to me, but my big ass car wont fit. im terrible at parking, so i have to do it like 3 times before i get it, and on the last try i bumped into the car parked behind me. i see my friends, the one with the messed up knee is hopping over, when a taxi driver yells at me for hitting the car behind me. my friend tells him to "fuck off" and that he dislocated his knee. i drive off, checking to make sure there is no damage to the other persons car.

    we drove to my house, my folks were out, so we smoked up to numb his pain, and he popped his knee back. it was gross as hell. he was fine, and recovered by the following school week, but his parents since then didn't allow him to go to metal shows.

    wow that was way longer than i expected, and im really stoned :smoking: hope i didn't bore anyone.
  14. i saw an extremely obese woman's bare titties flying to and fro at a red hot chili peppers concert. she just whipped em out about 2 feet from me and swung them about excitedly like two doughy windmills

  15. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    not cool.

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