Most Beautiful Glass youve ever seen

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by mogwi411, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Post the most beautiful pieces you've ever seen.  Trying to keep this thread super heady. They can be things you seen in galleries or online or from your personal collection but again this should be top shelf only:
    Mothership 3D faberge egg, purple rain and opals: not a normal fab egg, if you look inside of it, it's a swiss perc inside of another swiss perc.  They made a 3D straight fab clear awhile ago, probably as a prototype for this thing.

  2. That is fucking righteous man! Haha damn...

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  3. Another mothership egg, this one is the best color work I've seen on an egg, I think I heard the price tag for this is 10k, so the one above...I can only imagine lol.  Shot from headies in WA.  
  4. The headiest piece currently sitting at my LHS Joe petersxBanjo, Honey bee queen.

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  5. gotta get a closeup of those bees man.
  6. I would post pics of some of the specialty glass in the display cases at the local headshops, but they make it very clear that pics are not allowed lol.
    There is one piece for $2500 that is so intricate that Idk how I can even describe it lol
  7. I showed this to my buddy, and he liked it, but when he saw it in person he couldn't believe it. That pic does NOT do it justice. It's a very large piece, and the work on this is beyond outstanding. Even the dish that comes with it looks like an actual piece of honeycomb. The next time I'm in there I'll try, and get a nice pic of the bees.

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  8. The bees look fucking real though! Lol Like someone took the time to preserve them in an active state.

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  9. I know, that's why I want close ups for everyone to see.  I've seen other ones.  Here's a quave X peters honey klein
  10. Oh man that's dope! It looks like a bee hive. I found a slightly better pic. You can see the bees a little better

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  11. Elbo Dilophosaurus 2012
    this one is just especially gorgeous, open mouth unlike most other dinos
  12. That's a shot of the base. The best out of the bunch.

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  13. One of salts newest creatures. He said on his instagram that he is doing a creature series based off of his recent adventures into the world of philosophy. The first in this series.

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  14. Buck X Marcel Braun (his sick)
    and a Marcel Braun X MS egg
  15.  [​IMG]
    Gorgeous glass! I love this bong- so sick
  16. Man for all of todays INSANE sculpting techniques, I'm still so impressed by the ancient line work. I've heard it can take people years to master the ability to pull off super clean reticello like those pieces show.

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  17. #17 glass666shogun, Feb 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2014
    Have you ever heard of the Blaschkas? They were a father, and son team who's work is still on display at the Natural History Museum. I know it isn't functional glass art, but their work is still impossible to recreate.

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  18. I have not but will look them up.  Marcel is a master at what he does, so impressive. 
    article, good read, about Project 33 (where that fish piece came from)
  19. Do those not look fucking real or what?

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  20. wow that shit is pretty crazy, love those suctions on the tentacles.  I'll have to check those guys out.

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