most ballin long driver ever!!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Yung_Money, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. so me and my friend were on a 3.5 hr drive and we invented a smoking game, its called bowl to the toll. the name just sounds cool but doesnt really explain the game. you have to smoke a bowl everytime you enter a new town or when you see a now entering sign. needless to say we were blazed but!!! we were going through the radio and found a german hip hop station the story now begins here!.

    1. we recognized it was german and not like french!
    2. we called in!
    3. they picked up and asked if we wanted to request a song.
    4. i only know one german rapper Ferris MC, they didnt have any but they said theyd look on youtube
    5. they found the only song i know!!! and they said "this one goes out to our lifted boys on the long drive"

    maybe its not that cool to you guys but we flipped!
  2. ha ive straight hit 9 hour rides before. driving can be a bitch! last 3 hours werent as enjoyable...

    it all depends on who you go with.. conversations can be fun.
  3. Hahaha that's fucking chill, man.

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