Most annoying/stupid/aggravating reaction to telling non-smokers you smoke.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jon_Snow, May 15, 2011.

  1. My parents are the opposite LOL
  2. Best reponse I've ever gotten. Since moving to texas....

    "You smoke weed? Are you baptized?"

    Wtf does that have to do with anything? Hahaha.

    "Well I suspected, you ARE from california"

    Ok well this one is partially true. I took pride in this one. Haha.
  3. "I don't understand why you need drugs to have fun."


    "Weed is bad." Why? "Because it's illegal." Soooo? "I don't know... (long pause) because you're breaking the law to get high"
  4. I always bring up the statistics/negative effects of alcohol and cigarettes and they shut the fuck up really quick, works every time. :cool:
  5. thats against the law!
  6. the only really weird reaction i got was from a sunoco gas station cashier when i was buying a pack of white owls. he was such an ass. i forgot to hand him some more change without realizing it, and he repeated the total and i was like, "oh wow! oops" and giggled and while i gave him the change he said, "doing that type of stuff (pointing to the white owls) will cause your brain cells to die and you become dumb." i laughed and said "evidently it doesn't because i'm in college, thanks." and walked away. what an ass.

  7. Haha, I probably would've added and you're working in a fucking gas station, not really in any position to be giving life advice.

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