Most amazing thing happened today.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Valient, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Ive been feeling shitty for the past week, eve suicidal at times, and ive been woderign if i was slipping into depression again(was depressed for around 5 months a few years ago). so, i stayed home from school today(senior in highschool) and just felt like shit. i want to sleep around 11:30 am, and woke up at one. i went back to sleep, and woke up at 4:00. i was gonna light up at 4:20, jsut for the helluva it, but i decided against it. ever since i woke up, ive felt just light, and happy, and its just amazing how sleeping for a while can help.(ive gotten 10 hrs. of sleep from monday to thursday). so, if youre ever feeling sick and tired, take a nap before you light up. now i goet to save the weed for later.

  2. You cant be depressed on weed
    Spark a bowl bro
  3. Lol, that's not amazing...that's normal. Fuckin school sure does make you feel shitty because you don't get enough sleep.

    I want to get out so I can sleep a long time and practice lucid dreaming.
  4. just remember, suicide is NEVER the answer:rolleyes:
  5. What do you mean you CANT get depressed from weed?

    Of course you can, maybe not you or I, but there are people who can get extremely depressed after smoking weed.

    For example, the people who smoke, and just sit there thinking about there life... Maybe not a good example, but you get the point.
  6. yes, this big mac is probably the best meal i have ever had!

  7. Same here

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