Obviously these plants have gone longer than I wanted them to, but they are in good shape. It rained really hard last night so I went out to check on them this morning and shake the rain off of them and had what seemed like hundreds of mosquitoes fly off the plant when I shook them. Same this afternoon. Anyone have this happen? Is it a problem? Should I use Neem oil, and would that help? Any advice is appreciated. Also, what are we thinking, 4 weeks left? Thanks!
the plants are just starting to flower so you could apply neem oil since not to far into crowning, but you really dont need it your plants look fine and i dont think mosquitoes are a problem. by the way good luck finishing em
dont think those are mosquitoes...check freakbro1's pest thread in sick plant forum...see if ya can match up a picture..might be white flys i think ytheir called..i would sure check it out
yeah, not white flys thank god. probably about 15 or so ft tall now. newest photo from today on this thread: http://forum.grasscity.com/outdoor-marijuana-growing/671010-rain-damage.html