
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by greenhand, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Obviously these plants have gone longer than I wanted them to, but they are in good shape.

    It rained really hard last night so I went out to check on them this morning and shake the rain off of them and had what seemed like hundreds of mosquitoes fly off the plant when I shook them. Same this afternoon. Anyone have this happen? Is it a problem? Should I use Neem oil, and would that help?

    Any advice is appreciated. Also, what are we thinking, 4 weeks left?


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  2. the plants are just starting to flower so you could apply neem oil since not to far into crowning, but you really dont need it your plants look fine and i dont think mosquitoes are a problem.

    by the way good luck finishing em:eek::wave:
  3. Mosquitoes are blood suckers, not leaf eaters, ur plants are fine ... peace
  4. I'd give em a light neem spray... why not
  5. Wow, beautiful girls.. how tall?
  6. dont think those are mosquitoes...check freakbro1's pest thread in sick plant forum...see if ya can match up a picture..might be white flys i think ytheir called..i would sure check it out:smoke:

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