Morphine Prices..

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by M1chael, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. I am extremely sorry if there's already been a thread posted about this,
    but I've searched and couldn't find anything.

    I was just wondering about the effects/prices of morphine pills.
    30mg in particular.

    thanks for any help.
  2. usually $.50 to $1 per mg.
  3. ok thx..

    what would be the normal dosage taken for pain? ;)
  4. #4 Squishey, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2009
    Most people will not buy morphine, unless they are going through withdrawls or are very desperate. It's not popular, because it gives almost no euphoria.. but yeah
    For pain, it depends on the severity. My mother had back surgery a while back, and she was started on 5mg morphine and 5mg oxycodone and 600mg gabapentin.... Her pain was intense, as they fucked up and her nerve was swolen for a couple months.
    If your pain is bearable, i would not suggest you start taking morphine, you will proboally get hooked. But, if you want to, start with a low dose, 5mg, and see how it makes you feel. If its like for a broken bone or something 5mg is plenty.... But yeah, its good to start small, even if it does not work like you want it to, because morphine has a very bad track record for injestion, most people get a horrible stomache ache for the first while :X and some pretty bad constipaition. Also, when you're tolerance builds, you will not feel nauseaus anymore, if you start at 20mg you will be throwing up :p So yeah, start at 5mg for like a week or more, then move up in 5mg doses untill it does what you want. You should also go to the doctor and tell him you havent crapped in almost a week, and that over the counter laxitives arent working very well, as if you take it everyday, you will not shit with out heavy duty stuff, trust me.... IT WONT COME OUT *cry's*

    EDIT: Yeah, even 10mg is good for intense pain, like nerve damage if you have no tolerance, you do not need much at all, if its that serious you would proboally (should) already have a script for it. If you play it right, you could get like 35c per mg. But if you find the right guy.
  5. #5 UU_ood, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2009
    Whoa what squishey? I don't know much about morphine but doesn't heroin turn into morphine by the time it get absorbed? How would morphine not have any euphoria?
  6. Yeah dude, i know its effed up. I've never treid heroin, so i dont know, but i think most of the euphoria comes in the rush then just lingers for awhile... Morphine dosent give a rush really, and shit just makes you tired/warm/fuzzy. Thats why its not as popular, because it dosent give any/much euphoria at all. Good point though, as i think heroin does turn into morphine in your liver.

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