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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LetFireFall, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Yeah after being in insane pain for 2 days i went to the hospital, I found out I had a kidney stone so they gave me morphine IV'd every two hours. I was in the hospital for 14 hours and pretty much the whole time I was fucked up on morphine.

    My mom was there too haha,she kept asking the nurses what morphine does and what I was feeling haha.

    Anyways this thread might sucks but Morphine was great, gave me an extreme rush especially while being injected but it got rid of my insane pain for a while too.
  2. LOl, yeah I remeber morphine. When I got cancer, they had to do a biopsy to diagnose it. I was on a morphine drip for awhile, and It was sooooo nice.

    Then they gave me 10 percocet to take home :D
  3. I took a 35 mg morphine for recreational use and it was one of the best days of my life. Not so much fucked up but i was very relaxed and could think straight.
  4. Yeah, just zoning out on anything. Fucked me up though I could feel it hitting before they were even done iving it.
  5. Morphine is some shit...... yeah.....
  6. morphine IV is the shit, theres no other way to do it.
  7. I got in a car accident in April, man I HOPED I'd get some Morphine. Sadly I didn't :[
  8. I broke my femur on may 29, 07.

    I was in the hospital for about 4 days and once my surgery was over and I was in my room etc, they gave me a button that could be pressed every 10 minutes that would give me some morphine through my IV.

    It was amazing.

    However, the first few days back home fucking sucked as I went through withdrawal from the substance.

    But yeah its some good shit.
  9. morphine is scary i overdosed on that shit and almost died in my sleep cause i was so sedated that it made my lungs stop working, luckily my friend found me. I litterally should have been dead, i wasnt breathing for over 2mins. I took 1000mg orally. and the last time i ever tried it, i fell asleep and then barfed in my sleep and ended up inhaleing it and almost dieiong also. stay away from that shit unless supervised liek in a hospital situation.

  10. Or, just be responsible about using it.
  11. yeah morphines a nice high as long as its IV'ed...orally it really lacks any euphoria so i usually end up taking big doses or just cooking up the pills and shooting them.
  12. I feel for you, just thinking about kidney stones makes me go drink two glasses of water. Morphine made my appendicitis worth it though. I could see myself getting addicted sooooooo fast if I had a supply, same with heroin obviously. It's a bitch to turn it down when offered :(.
  13. for me morphine didn't do much of anything, made me drowsy, a little mad, thats it

    it was ms contin, 30mg (timereleased), i'd snort one, and pop one, no euphoria nothing like oxycodone/hydro
  14. they gave me morphine through an iv when i broke my collar bone. i was in so much pain but the morphine made me feel amazing. i remember being in insane pain then like 15 min later at the hospital just fucking around with the guys in the ambulance who drove me there. standing up to take a piss was fucking hard tho...

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