At about 6:30 EST, I ate about 400 morning glory seeds of the heavenly blue variety. It is now almost 8:00 and Im feeling some pretty bad nausea. Some threshold effects similar to LSD can be felt (limbs tingling, head buzzzing) like im coming up on a hit of decent blotter. Colors are starting to seem brighter too and my sense of time is way off, but that could be since I just smoked a bowl. Ill try to update this thread throughout the night with how my trip is going. Wish me luck and hope I dont hurl!
good luck, dude. they're mad fun in my opinion. i suggest going outside and acting like whatever animal pops into your head.....
ill be checking this thread btw, ive done MG on peanut butter sandwich before, got alot down, and i got the effects, and liked what i got to. the only problem is even now sometimes i cant stand peanut butter because of how nasty it was. but is there a better way to take these? whats the best way?
The seeds of many species of morning glory contain ergot alkaloids such as the hallucinogenic ergonovine and ergine (LSA). Seeds of I. tricolor and I. corymbosa (syn. R. corymbosa) are used as psychedelics. The seeds can produce a similar effect to LSD when taken in the hundreds. Though the chemical LSA is illegal to possess in pure form, the seeds are found in many gardening stores, however, the seeds from gardening stores MAY be coated in some form of pesticide or methylmercury to retard spoilage [3] - these coatings are especially dangerous if you have a history of liver disorders and may also cause neurological damage. Also, the active ingredient LSA has, in animal models, produced uterine contractions, which could possibly induce a miscarriage. Have fun duuuuuuuude. Peace, FG