My plants are doing pretty good besides some random weird spots of certain leafs. I am using bubble buckets (DWC) and the lights are about 12 inches away. I am using low heat florescent lights. The brand name of the nutes i am using is called "Advanced Nutrients" and im using their Micro, grow, and bloom. I have been using as much as the directions on the bottle tell me to use during the cutting\seedling stage. I have also been using a bit of SuperThrive about 1\4 tsp. for a 3 gal bucket. My EC is around 580ppm to 600ppm As for my water I have been letting the water sit out for 24 hours before i use it so the chemicals and such leave the water. Then i make sure the PH is right. I have been keeping the PH around 6. I only have one of the color indicator PH kits so its not as exact as i would like it. I was planning on changing the nutes and water about once a week. Right now i have 2 fans going in to room circulating the air. Hopefully soon i will have an intake and outtake. But for this moment the fans is all i can do. I thought at first this was a N def. but i have been giving them the correct amount of nutes, well at least what the bottle tells me, and it doesn't seem as though it has helped. Its seems to have formed into something different. Some of the plants have a pinkish thing on them that starts at the edges of the leafs. Thanks for all the input, let me know if you guys have more tips. Im new to this so all the info you have will help. Thanks so much! Please help diagnose these plants!
Very well possibly you have a magnesium or some other micro nutrient deiciency. Go get yourself a real pH pen and see if you can't dial you pH in a little better. You might also try picking up some CalMag or Magical. Also, since you have no input/output what are your temps like, and is your grow completly sealed? You realize your plants need fresh air, you can't keep them sealed. You also have to keep your temps in line. If you are not careful with DWC you can very, very easily get root rot. Get yourself a pH pen, and get your temps in line. You don't need a good pH pen, a cheap 15.00 one of ebay is good enough, jsut make sure you can find some trusty 7.0 solution so you can keep it calibrated, as they will lose their calibration quickly, but when fixed still give accurate measurements up to +- .02 - .04, which is plenty close for our needs.
I have the RH at 50% and the temperature around 75. There are strange very small brown spots forming. I have no clue why.