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more bad highs -.-

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nick1409, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. i smoked a few times this work with comfortable highs, i smoked about five minutes ago a little amount and my heart rate was like 110 bpms and it feels like it went down to like 100 now but i dont feel any other symptons like i had before so i think im fine
  2. now i start to feel nervous when im not shaking my legs back and fourth
  3. Turn on some tunes, sip a cold drink, eat some food

    Watch a movie if you can, anything to get your mind off the paranoia

    Movies help a lot when I smoke alone and get scared
  4. true, i called up my girlfriend to talk, and the throat closing feeling is kicking in /:
  5. Then just shake those legs and smoke some more
  6. haha yea maybe im noy high enough lol
  7. I don't know about you, but when I used to smoke a bit my heart would go real fast then after a few more hits I'd just feel nice and blazed :) worth a shot.
  8. hahaha can do
  9. Never really had a bad high man, but if your heart rate is freaking you out maybe try taking deep breaths. You'll be fine so don't scare yourself into feeling worse. I agree with the movie idea man. Try a comedy and just focus on the movie instead of how you're feeling. That feeling will pass and then you'll be good.

    Although I haven't had a bad high, I have been pretty paranoid before in the past but usually got past that by smoking some more, but do what you feel comfortable with.
  10. yea its went down, but the breathing thing kicked in, in one of my other threads i have all my symptons listed
  11. God I'm reading this right now and I'm ridiculously high, and I swear as I read through that I felt every symptom haha.
  12. hahaha, you guys wanna hear how stupid i am, not with this high i feel good right now and no symptons, its about earlier today
  13. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't even understand what you're trying to say in the above post o_O
  14. yes im high haha, but i ment i did somthing stupid today and prob lost a dub i coulda had for free!, my dealer/good friend was over, and he dropped two dime sized buds on the floor under the corner of my tv, but i found them and gave them back, but man i wish i kept them!
  15. I would have given them back too
  16. The worst high i ever had was probably the other night, wernt really that bad, i got veryvery high and watched avatar 3d at the movies, but i just had a fat headache throught the whole movie

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