Source Assuming this is real, and it doesnt wipe out life as we know it, could this send us back to the 1900's or earlier? We are pretty dependent on technology these days. Hardly anyone even wants to go camping in a designated slot with bathrooms and showers adjacent because its too 'primitive' How do you think we will react to a system wide meltdown of technology? Will everything turn into nothing but chaos?
Well of course there will be wide spread panic(assuming people react similar to what happened in Y2k). I believe even if all our technology is wiped out we still have potential to start it back over through knowledge of what we already know about tech.
I remember seeing this a while back, and I think there is a very real chance that could happen, although I'm still very skeptical about the whole '2012 Apocalypse' theory. If this were to happen though, we are so dependent on technology that it would have very severe effects on the world. But it's nowhere near enough to wipe us off the grid completely. Unless this solar storm were to adversely effect the magnetic poles or the atmosphere, I don't see Humankind going anywhere anytime soon. We'd be stuck in the dark for possibly a few decades without satellite coverage and a power grid, but who's to say we couldn't bounce back from such a catastrophe?
the Mayans themselves don't believe that the world will end in 2010, I seen it on a penn & teller bullshit. edit: after reading op fully, thats pretty interesting. I thought that this was just another mayan calender 2012 thread. If satellites get wiped out, well that's why we have all the bill gates of the world to help us back up in the technology part of it. If we aren't all killed of course, But I don't think so.
I think the Mayans predicted the end of man kinds sanity. Or the end of Pure Sativas, I don't know. All I know is if I don't get to hear the rest of the Gorillaz discography, imma be pissed.
Nice! It might be just what we (the US at least) need to bring our asses out of recession. It'll bring our jobs back, boost our economy by giving everyone something to work towards.. yea. Yay for 2012 solar max! If any of us survive it! *cheers*
I actually planned out how I would build an underground bunker for myself if I ever needed to. Here were some of the notes, for anyone building such a shelter I don't think I'll ever build it because I don't think a catastrophe of that scale will occur in 2012 or in my lifetime. But it could be used for things like an invasion (likely by China), nuclear warfare or other natural disaster. I already have the plans Came up with it all when I was really high.
why wouldnt we survive this? if its just going to effect our electrical grid, gps, and the such then in theory, there shouldn't be any deaths from that. However, if this does happen the anarchy that would follow would almost undoubtedly cause mass deaths. Hell, i'll be prepared for this. I got a house thats very far from majorly populated areas. In any event, i'll be stockpiling for this shit. Call me crazy, but i'll be prepared If this does happen, god help you if you live near a nuclear power plant
How many acres of land does the house sit on? You could build a shelter that acts as a fortress
2.3 acres i believe, but its not all flat, the house takes up most of the flat area, its on a hill. I doubt you would need a bunker for this, my understanding is that it just effects our electrical grid. If i had enough money a year before, i would buy a 1acre property and build my own shelter or get a construction company to help me
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling" I can poke fun, but one of my many eccentricities is that I've been well prepared for a crisis situation for a long time.Constantly adding supplies, and going over some plans with my two sons.Everyone in my family are competent with multiple firearms and self protection tactics.
If 2012 is real, the government wont give us a 100% yes it is answer, they wouldnt want to cause mass hysteria, and would leave saying it until the last minute. They should just give us an answer, why would you want to waste the last 2 years of your life going about thinking your going to die of old age, and suddenly found out you have 1 month to live, and wasted your life doing things no one will care about in a few months
haha first the "earth shift" was predicted for 2012, then the black holes prediction, now it's a solar storm that will end the world in 2012? lol i sort of believed 2012 at first when they were sticking to one subject but all the predictions they've been making lately is ridiculous, they might as well say dinosaurs coming back for 2012 while they're at it. i don't think the gov knows. they're probably just clueless and just pulling shit out their ass. same thing happened with y2k and global warming. i remember they had people buying tons of water, food, plants, and gas mask for 2000 and ain't shit happen. plus nasa the same ppl who claimed a huge satellite will fall to earth last year lol.
I think 2012 is real because there is already a strong enough belief that it is real. If some worldly occurrence doesn't come change us drastically, I'd assume we would make it happen, even if we were unaware that we made it happen. The power of the Psyche.
Assuming its real.. then it will be a mega inconvenience to the general population that isn't prepared for a long term power outage. personally i wouldn't want to be in a major metropolitian area if the juice goes down for an extended period. lets hope for the best and be prepared.