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Moral Support- Another Drug Test thread!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by e_eggs, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hello all!- Long time no post for me!
    So I have probably the most important drug test of my life tomorrow at 1:30 at the Clinic. It's for a very very nice job as a Machinist. I'm 21, so it will basically be the start of the rest of my life. I applied for the job with no intention of actually getting it. I'm currently in school for machining, but that was the type of person they were looking for! I basically got hired right away. I couldn't believe it! I have passed two piss test in my life. The first time I quit for two weeks-used a flusher and passed with a little was a dip stick kind, and the lady gave me a weird look and asked if I had eaten at all that day- I said no and she seemed puzzled, regardless I got the job.

    The second time I got a 3oz. travel shampoo bottle used a freinds clean piss. I warmed it up in the microwave, used a hand warmer for the drive to the place, and when I got there I put the bottle in my Briefs- I never wear them, but it is a necessity in this case! Filled out paper work for about 30ish minutes. Emptied my pockets into a bin, then was escorted to the bathroom where water was turned off and dye in the toilet. Door was closed, emptied pee in container and handed it to lady. Came in at 92 degrees-Easy Pass!

    Tomorrow it will be basically the same procedure. From what I hear....never gone to clinic before...But no one watches, and there in no sink, and dye in the toilet. So I will put on my briefs. Heat clean pee up to about 110ish degrees, wrap it in a hand warmer until I get there. BUT I need to make sure that the pee is about 100ish degrees before I go in. I found that the nook between balls and thigh stays at about 100. So just the bottle will be placed in my pants at 100 and should be right by the time I pour it into the cup.

    So how about it-fail proof? Huh huh?

    Also I have a dell xps m1530 with 2gb of ram. I upgraded to Windows & but I keep getting blue screens-particularly after I install video drivers. Does that just sound like I need more ram? Thanks!
  2. Nice plan, hope it works out! Though if you were looking for a job, you really shouldnt have been smoking.
  3. ^ Story of my I'll post up results tomorrow...just to prove you
  4. :smoke:ha ok, man!
    I didnt say it was wrong, its just a little risky and you even said, this job could be for the rest of your life. Im excited for the results, though! If it works again, i may even do this :D
  5. So I did pass the pisser, easier than i thought!
  6. Congrats man! im happy for you :) TOKE ON :smoke:
  7. i failed a drug test couple days ago know i have to do a support group and be open for random testing for five months goodbye MJ:hide:
  8. I need moral support too. I am new to this. About 45 days ago, possibly more, I was running dry and began smoking my resin. Then I applied for this job and haven't smoked since. My buddies all had to pass a urine test so I thought I was in the clear. I just went in on Friday for my test, and SURPRISE, they shave a huge patch of hair off my leg! I know the hair test goes back 90 days and I will fail for 60 +/- of those, but what are the chances of passing for the last 30? I mean I thought the meaning of a drug screen was to look for abuse, will I pass since I have been clean for a little while? Or just down right fail? Any feedback would be appreciated.
  9. :D

    Haha wow sucks bro

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