
Discussion in 'Movies' started by Zylark, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. A great little low-budget sci-fi gem.

    I won't give away the plot or anything, just suffice to say that in the not so distant future, some large corporation harvests energy-rich material from rigolith (moon rocks), think it is HE3, but I'm too lazy to look it up :p

    To do this they've set up a largely automated system of a one-man command center moon base, and four autonomous harvesters.

    The moon base is manned by Sam Bell (excellently played by Sam Rockwell) who is on a three year solo-contract, with two weeks to go at the start of the movie. During all that time, he have been largly out of communication with earth, so he is to put it mildly somewhat lonely. Though alleviated by the AI computer on the base (voiced by Kevin Spacey).

    The movie is essentially a one-man show, and it moves forward without any sense of hurry or doing shortcuts. Some may call the pacing glacial, I find it nice and serene.

    Not a movie for action freaks suffering from a sugar imbalance or ADD, but the rest of us will enjoy it tremendously, especially after a few J's :)

    A solid 8 out of 10 from me.
  2. loved it. =)
  3. Same was brilliant and Rockwell was outstanding. Even though I don't put any creedo in awards shows, I'll be annoyed if he isn't nominated for something, or at least the flick.
  4. awesome movie they couldnt have choosen someone better for the part he jus has that crazy part about him anyways lol definatly a 9.5 worth buying for sure
  5. phenominal acting, and an overall fantastic film.

  6. Just saw this the other day. Sooooo good. I loved the story and the ending was awesome. Good twist. Am i the only one that liked the special effects? U could tell it was minature work, but it was done perfectly.
  7. That movie is brilliant. I watched it after a few :bongin:'s. OMG what a trip.

    I cannot give anything away. I will say this:
    Watch it with a few other people. Half way through, stop it and discuss what y'all think is going on. That's what I did, and it was a great addition to the movie.


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