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Monster Energy drink and getting high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Seargent Shrubs, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Should I do it?
  2. Counter acts the weed, kills your high. I wouldn't recomend it.
  3. What exactly counter acts the weed?

  4. Yeah, I wouldn't do it. Plus, weed is already dangerous, just imagine when you add that monster. You are bound to die.
  5. Yup, I tried it with a Monster Energy shot thing (btw they taste like piss, just sayin) and it gave me a headache and ruined my high.
  6. It's the caffeine that gets ya. high amounts of caffeine seem to counter-act the high that you enjoy.:smoke:
  7. Oh, okay, glad I asked before I acted. What about grape soda?

  8. Off topic, Fuck the Packers. It was a pretty good game though. Just wish we could have gone into overtime.

  9. Have you never gotten high and drank up all your soda? C'mon man, you already know that answer.

  10. I've gotten high a total of 6 times.

  11. On-topic, Packers dynasty 2010-20??

  12. Oh. Well you gotta think about it. Caffeine is bad bad bad when smoking weed. Any type of upper (Caffiene) will kill a downer (weed).
  13. Lol. The what about grape soda part made me laugh.

  14. What made me laugh when he said that was;

    "Aye nniggga want some grape juice?"
    "Wtf is Grape Juice, niggga. I want some soda niggga, I don't want juice. The fuck is that"
  15. Try it only if you're badass enough.
  16. drink water

    its good ya know
  17. Ya stay away from the Monster, I usually have Arizona Raspberry Tea :D
  18. #18 superduperbud, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    i recommend substituting the monster with a couple lines of coke that are the size of a pencil ... then you'll still be high.

    the discussion of other drugs is no longer allowed in the city /pawlywog
  19. It will just kill your high and give you a hella headache...
  20. Not a chance.

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