Monsanto To Pay 289 Million!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hugs And Spit, Aug 11, 2018.

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  1. It'll be reduced on appeal.
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  2. Drop in the bucket for IG FarbenSantos Bayer

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  3. i thought i heard on the news there were thousand or so others with cases..

    My issue is have used the stuff 35 yrs ago and seeing how it kills weeds or any plant in a short period of time after being sprayed and absorbed by leaves & stems yet GMO corn and soybean crops are immune to it... that means the corn and soybeans soak in Round Up while weeds die around them... then we eat the corn that has been saturated in this "weed killer herbicide"...

    WTF have they done to these GMO seeds to make them immune to herbicides? and why are they slipping it to us in everything from tacos, tortilla chips, cornbread, any corn or soybean product, even corn syrup... it's everywhere, even in cokes and diet cokes...
  4. I think it'll be reversed on appeal. They didn't prove Roundup caused the guy's cancer. I use Roundup all the time, I buy those 1gal concentrate jugs. When in the Army I mixed Roundup by the barrel of concentrate in a huge open top tank and was soaked in that shit for days. If it causes cancer I should have it. If you were saying Roundup destroys memory then I'd say you may have a point because I can't remember shit.

    Roundup isn't put on corn, it's put on the plant before it makes corn. It would be easy enough for a lab test to find Roundup in corn if it was there. They actually tested that shit and found it safe so don't hop on the anti Monsanto bandwagon because of faulty information and scare tactics. Truth is they don't know what causes non Hodgkin's lymphoma and if a person gets that disease and Googles it they find all these unsubstantiated claims against Monsanto, naturally they would also blame them and sue. Find the right jury and you get 289 million. This is as dumb as thinking GMO foods are harmful, it's based on fear, ignorance, and Monsanto hate.
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  5. I'm the same, I've always had a drum of it in the shed for the last 20 years. I've sprayed myself in the face, eyes, mouth, nose and probably up my arse. Spraying is best undertaken cained in my experience, it's one of those mundane tasks that needs putting a little pepper on.

    It might be damaging the environment but it's human friendly.
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  6. Regardless of whether or not Round Up is harmful to humans or the environment, it appears that Monsanto made the strong selling point for it's GMO seed monopoly (cartel) and forced farmers to use it or be left out of the game...

    So the majority of consumers are forced to eat GMO food whether they like it or not... could be it is safe in our lifetime but who knows what they discover for the next generation or 2 regarding the far reaching collateral damage effects if any?

    I'm more concerned about the plummeting bee population... without the bees many plant based foods are in danger so they say... are pesticides or herbicides causing bees to go bonkers or extinct ? we may not know in our lifetime but someone will eventually.
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  7. Is this a political subject?
  8. GMOs are fine it's the GEOs that are concerning. But people are too stupid to get away from the GMO buzz word.. and honestly I doubt many understand either.

    La vie est drôle
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  9. Yes, what isn't political?

    The right is for corporate capitalists who control politics already, they don't care about healthcare or maintaining health unless they can profit off of it like investing in healthcare stocks...

    The left advocates for the people, product, environment and workplace safety so naturally they rejoice when another scumbag corporation has to shell out the bucks, be it big chemical / GMO seed cartel or Big Tobacco, Big Oil, etc...

    It's all political imo.
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  10. Speaking of Bayer and drug companies.

    I'm amazed the number of drug ads on TV from Big Pharma, both prescription and non but mostly prescription... then even MORE AMAZING is the long list of side effects an "please tell your doctor if...."..

    Then you review the clinical trials, study or whatever it's called where they are supposed to have a test group on a placebo, another on the drug and the reduction in whatever bla bla bla ailment it supposedly suppresses symptoms of is minuscule... "no vale la pena" imo... after reading that list of possible side effects...

    Can't believe ppl buy this shit for the prices they do.
  11. We're not even limiting it to people meds now on TV. I watched one for dogs that included seizures and death as possible side effects. I'm not sure when we dropped the bar so low that bloating and diarrhea has been replaced with suicidal thoughts and or actions and possibly death...all in order to treat things like skin infections. It's mind boggling.
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