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monkey paw

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by gotdachronic, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. i heard from quite a few that people that this strain was and or is extinct. but a local medi grower is growing "monkey paw". i showed pics to my city connect and she said it looked like it when she used to get it. i guess you could say the bud it self resembles a hand or a paw as it has individual calyxes growing as if it was fingers of bud growing off of the stem of the bud it self. it has a crazy and very different smell to it. it really wasnt cured right which is unfortionate its got a somewhat harsh smoke.
  2. Never heard of it. Sounds pretty crazy though.
  3. I demand to smoke:devious:
  4. heres a pic


    s pic showing individual buds growing on it.. shitty quallity sidekick cameras suck!

  5. It look's pretty bomb. :D
  6. it is it has a very nice heavy high to it, real nice for night time smoking :smoking:
  7. #7 norml56, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    looks like herb. there is no way to tell. but nothing stopping you from giving it any name you want. i mean browse this section for awhile. people give weed all sorts of stupid names.

    so sensitive
  8. oh i know that but im saying monkey paw was a real strain back in the day. and i personaly know someone who has gotten it before back in the day and they say it resembles it very well. so i mean you guys can say the shit you want idc as far as im concerned its called monkey paw and is pretty fire
  9. then monkey paw it is:D how much did u get of that delicious nug
  10. that was probly a 1.0 bud i traded some of mt dro for. i can get more of it when ever i need it tho :]
  11. My stoner name by complete chance and randomness from the first time i got high (bloody blazed, was the funniest night of my life haha laughing thinking about it) is Monkeypaw, i need to find this strain! Living in UK so not much chance tbh! Didnt see it anywhere in 'DAM either
  12. smoked it personaly and quit a bit of it.
  13. i think it was around 1978
  14. #14 coogs, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2011

    one of the few old blades i smoke with (he's been tokin on herb since 1973) mentioned this exact strain as well as onyx, acapulco gold, and red skunk as the only ones he grew til 1988, when he stopped growing outside, and started looking for other strains and other breeders/growers. i trust him more than most other people for the sheer fact that almost everything he has suggested to me or others about growing herb has not only been backed up by literature but has yielded RIDICULOUSLY satisfying results.

    that being said, lets all be friends here :wave: and OP, good looking bud but that camera is AWFUL haha borrow one from a friend or something, id love to get a pic of monkey paw for my friend!

    EDIT: just talked to my friend, as i was curious. he said the variety of monkey paw that he grew was a fox-tailing indica, that was typically light green/grayish buds, that they werent as dense as normal indicas of the time. that it grew higher than other indicas and generally had very dark, occasionally BLACK-looking leaves. he said it was by far his favorite indica smoke until he got a hold of NL in the early 90's. he's kinda a hippie, said he used it for meditation and self reflection, that it was the most relaxing / sedating body high he could find back then
  15. #15 cbr900rr1, Sep 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2011
    I smoked Monkey Paw once 25 years ago. My best friend got it from a older chick he worked with at the restaurant in town. I only remember it was the bomb, and my friend always sais it was dark and gooey, made him curl up in the fetal position with the chills he got so high. it sounds like some of the willie nelson strain on the internet.[UR"http://"][/URL] this is the closest photo i've seen to it, they call it willie nelson if you google it. i would like to find some one day!!!!
  16. It is a low THC/high CBD strain.
  17. Some equatorial sativas do something called "foxtailing."

    Basically, where a calyx would grow, a few grow out, which results in the paw shape you describe.

    It's a very cool characteristic. The bud gains more mass, and looks cool.
  18. My friends aunt just got done growing a harvest of "monkey paw" smells and looks dank but I'll be trying it today. I'll make a report on it
  19. i got some crotching dragon hidden tiger bud that'd smoke great with your monkey paw. , good lookin stuff though

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