Mom paid me $1000 to quit one of my jobs.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Shipwreck, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Well currently I have two jobs. I work at Ross and a place called Sams Place which is a small restaraunt, in the past I've been having troubles with this business for multiple reasons, such as: the manager who runs it is a short mexican lady who barely speaks english (mind you were a burger place and the majority of the people who come are white) they cut my hours up until recently (giving me 4 hours a week because they said its slow, oh yeah did I mention that up until yesterday I was the only cashier. They hired a high school girl who doesn't know how to do shit) and the manager on duty hired one of her friends who's about 50 and that new lady speaks even less english than my manager.

    Now here are some facts that you should know: I've been working at this restaraunt for over a year, I was hired the day that the original restaraunt opened, I've been through 3 owners, I made it all the way up to manager and was manager for 6 months all the way until. We changed into this new management and my new owner made this new lady the boss. I know how to do my job better than she does, telling her multiple times that she's done something wrong (such as fucking up orders and not telling the customers and leaving lights on when they're supposed to be off.

    I was planning on quitting this job but I'm very attatched to it.

    Well here's where the $1000 comes into play, the other day I was paid $64 for two weeks work (and that's how my hours have been for a WHILE) but last week my hours went up to 20 because the owners daughter quit because she goes to school and has another job at his restaraunt.
    I owe $1000 to my line of credit and my mom knows this. She also knows that I've been trying hard, picking up another job to make ends meet and constantly being mad because I'm working so much.

    She gave me the $1000 to pay off my line of credit, something that would have taken months to pay off but the catch is she told me I HAVE TO QUIT SAM'S by today.

    Now my conundrum is how to tell the owner.
    I want a good reference from him if possible.

    Here's another part to the kicker, my other job scheduled me at the SAME time to work as Sams so I'm going to have to not go into one of them. Ross accepts no abscense unless its with a doctors note.

    Now my plan is to call him in two hours and tell him that I just talked to Ross and they offered me a full time job starting today but it conflicts with Sams Place schedule so that I wouldn't be able to work there anymore. I was going to also add in how I got deathly sick the other day (still am a little sick) and they're offering me health insurance and I realized that I needed to take advantage of their offering.

    Any input to make this easy? I've never quit a job before and have never been fired. I've only been laid off.
  2. it sounds like you have the right idea, of course a 2 week notice would be nice
  3. I would have LOVED to give a two week notice but my mom is telling me that for two weeks work $64 is crap, she doesn't want to make me work for nothing. She told me I'm spending all that money on gas to go to work anyways.
  4. Just a job..............You owe them nothing. Dose'nt really sound like they give a dink about you...........fuck 'em
    peace B
  5. I would love to think it's just a job too. Maybe it's because I've been working there for too long that it feels like it's a part of me.

    Also quitting a job goes against what I believe, I believe you do a job no matter how hard and under all circumstances must you try your hardest to succeed.

    I mean the owner is a nice guy, he likes me and all and has never said anything bad about me, so I guess that quitting is going onto a personal level for me now too.
  6. #6 Shipwreck, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Let me put up some pictures I wanted to use for black mail if some shit came up. Now let me also say that I have no part in wanting to keep any of what you're about to see, but the fucking manager says "Waste is bad" so she cuts off bad parts of shit and leaves the good parts...

    I took these pictures yesterday by the way, get ready to see some shit.
  7. do what u gotta do

    it does seem pointless to continue working there
  8. I don't get it, you feel bad about quitting yet keep pictures to blackmail them? Seems like you have something mixed up.
  9. Because if they wanted to be dicks about me quitting then I'm taking that mofo down with me!

  10. Legally you don't have to give an employer any notice when you quit. Preparing to blackmail and you want a good reference off of this guy lol. You are one shady character, never know what you have up your sleeves.
  11. I'm not shady, I'm just prepared lol.
  12. References aren't like people think... they can only say whether or not you worked there. If they say anything that prevents you from getting another job you are entirely allowed to sue their ass. So don't worry, man... quit the job.
  13. That's what I had thought in the first place.

    But I was never entirely sure about how the whole reference thing went about.
  14. Well what if the next question that is asked is how good of an employee you were? Idk if sueing would hold up in court.

    @OP: Thats gross. I guess it aint' for nothing that I am paranoid about eating out lol.
  15. Honestly just quit, you should have better references than a small resturant which you worked at for a year. It's time to move on, you just by staying are representing the company as a whole and based on the produce they are serving I would be out of there.
  16. Those look like some real crisp, fresh, tasty peppers...:bolt:

  17. by law they are not allowed to give a bad reference they can say if they would hire you again or not but nothing more
  18. This was my conversation to Carlos: (Wrote it down to say all the right stuff)

    "Hi Carlos, I have some news that I really dont want to say but I have to.
    I got a call from Ross yesterday night and they wanted to start me working full time hours starting today but I told them I had to tell you first. I looked at the schedules that they want me to work and I noticed that they conflict with the Sam's Place schedule and I need doctor's notes to take the day off at ross, if not they'll fire me.

    I thought about all last night and i feel really bad because I dont want to move on and I really feel like I'm letting the team down, but I know that I have to take up the job offer because of the steady income.

    when I went to see the doctor to get my medicine the other day, it costed me over $100 and that's money that I didn't have so I had to borrow from my family to pay for the costs And Ross is offering me health insurance to help me out when I get sick next time.

    I wanted to tell you that I've appreciated everything that you've done for me and that you, eva, and carolina have been great people to work for and to get to know, but I have to move on with my life and I have to take the better opportunities when they come up.

    I have a thank you letter for you and Eva and I also have your servsafe book that I wanted to give you later on today."

    All in all, he was sad about me going and even offered me to come back to work for him if things at Ross didn't work out! :hello:

    He said he's happy when people can find new things to do with their lives if it's for the better and that Sam's Place shouldn't be stopping me.

    I apologized for not giving him a two week notice and he said it was alright.
    He said he even had a recommendation letter for me if I needed one.

    Now to move on with my life.
  19. shit man your mom gave u a g.

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