
Discussion in 'General' started by de1ty, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. who knows what a mole is? (I do!) Who takes moles? Who dislikes moles? Whose never tried a mole or doesn't know what a mole is?

    God bless moles. :D
  2. Like the rodent? Or like a police informer? Wtf are you talking about?
  3. I don't know what a mole is.
  4. Ahh, perhaps they call them something else where you are from? Or perhaps people don't pack moles where you live?

    A mole is when you take a bong rip of a bowl of tobacco and weed mixed.
  5. always thought a mole was a brown dot on your body with hair sticking out of it.

  6. it is, but i sure aint smoking those.

    moles get you dommmmed try one.
  7. eh, id rather blaze a bong then smoke a cig. I never did a "mole" but i can only imagine how harsh the tabaccoo would be in a bong.
  8. I'd rather smoke a real mole than smoke tobacco.
  9. You know what else gets you "dommmmed"? Smoking weed without tobacco lol.

  10. that is nice. start off with a small amount of tobacco. breathing is going to be harder, but the high is epic.

  11. more power to yah.

  12. There is no "high" from the tobacco. Just lightheadedness from inhaling burning poison. If you like that then great, but a fat snap of some OG gets me plenty "domed." Not trying to hate on how you blaze. As long as you get high and enjoy the way there.
  13. fuck moles.
    used to know this guy steve, he REFUSED to smoke anything but moles and occasionally a spliff. it was disgusting. We never smoked out of that bong after him. we just used other pipes.
  14. #14 tookmaster, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Ya it's epic if you like throwing up.
  15. [​IMG]

  16. We just roll up some bud and wacky tobacky in a joint and call them spliffs.. I think that is universal though.

  17. bud AND wacky tobacky?
  18. always....makes weed last longer.
  19. Is anyone whose talking about these moles from San Diego PQ area? Cuz that's the only time i've heard of this

  20. nah, it just means your smoking tobacco with your weed :?
    gotta spend your dough on tobacco...
    tobacco is fucking gross.

    i mean, a hookah once in a while, okay.
    a spliff at a concert? no biggie.
    but rolling tobacco with every joint? every last bong load??
    so gross

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