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moldy weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pakit, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. #1 pakit, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    I have had my 1/4 ounce of bud for about a week and a half now, from a very legitimate dealer. Been good friends ever since we were born believe it or not. Anyways I have about 6 grams left, yes I have been smoking it extremely slowly(busy with other things). It is completely dank bud. Amazingly crystally today I opened up the bag (inside an airtight jar originally a pickle jar, yes very ghetto all I got) This is my first time buying this much weed, and I looked at it and it has about the smallest amount of gray/blueish color on some of the buds, this was very strange and I looked it up and found out that it could be mold. Now I've been keeping it in a cool dark airtight place... so I don't understand how it could be mold 1 and a half weeks into me having the bud. Also... Its the smallest amount on just some of the buds are the others safe? What do i do? yes yes pictures, I don't have an amazing camera and you probably wouldn't be able to see the tiny specks of grayish/blueish color

    Its also kept inside of a bag inside that jar.
    Thanks guys for any information that you could provide
  2. well have those colours been there since you got the dope? there is weed that has more colours than just green. and mold is usually black and you would know with out asking.

  3. obviously not.

    at least youre being cautious man.
    if you could take a few pictures of it from different angles, that'd be awesome.
    I doubt that its mold though. although the pickle jar could be a factor, but then again who knows.
  4. Just smoke that shit, it's probably not mould.

    You only live once.

  5. i thought mold was fluffy white?

    @ OP have you ever seen moldy bread? look for that on the bud

    also, does it smell somewhat like cat piss? i always thought that mold smelled like cat piss on bud.

    lastly, does it make your eyes itch. it does for me...
  6. #6 pakit, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    I don't have a camera at all for that matter, wife took it on her trip with her. all I got is a 5 megapixel droid camera which probably wont even show you the "mold" its definitely a blueish/grayish color. I am pretty sure that the colors weren't there beforehand when I got the weed a week and a half ago I did a pretty big inspection to make sure I wasn't getting jipped or anything... only 2 of the biggest buds (probably 1/3 of my stash:() have the color. I think I am going to say screw it but I guess if that color gets worse, then we know its mold. Also the smell is exactly the same as it was before. I even smelled just the "infected" buds.

    its just that I was hopping to buy in quantity and I could slowly go through my stash at my pace... but I am really bummed because I hate burning through all this weed

    I have seen moldy bread and it KIND of has that same color...
  7. well if mj that hasnt been dried properly is put in a air tight jar in the dark of course its going to mold xD

    next time you get mj that hasnt been dried properly just put it in a paper bag for a few days and let it dry to prevent mold :wave:
  8. Pics required.
  9. man i seen you post in two threads now and your sig.......i just cant stop watching it, that chick was probably like alright its not going to hurt but then bam! ass on fire bitch.
  10. yeah, but i have seen black mold on weed as well

    yeah i got it on failblog lol
  11. Since it is only a verry verry small amount of weed ill pick off the mold as much as possible. And makes peanut butter cannabis which stores for ever

    Sorry I'm so higghh

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  12. call me paranoid but i wouldnt smoke weed that i just found mold on, i wouldnt trust it after

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