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Moldy Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ThePresidentialView, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. I was cleaning out a flashlight with some soap and water to use as a stealthy stash and a little bit of the water got stuck in the top portion without me noticing. I put my weed in the flashlight and then realized maybe 5 mins later that he water was in there and lo and behold it had trickled down and gotten a little bit inside the dime bags. I took them out and threw the nugs in a dry baggy but still saw some water so I switched em out again. they seem dry now but I'm still paranoid that they're gonna get moldy which I hear is hard to see on weed. Should I risk vaping/smoking it?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  2. You'll be fine. They won't get moldy unless you store them while they're damp. A little bit of water won't hurt, but you shouldn't use plastic baggies FYI! It can make the bud lose some potency.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity F
  3. [quote name="bloodysita" post="19387896" timestamp="1390432076"]You'll be fine. They won't get moldy unless you store them while they're damp. A little bit of water won't hurt, but you shouldn't use plastic baggies FYI! It can make the bud lose some potency.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity F[/quote] yea I heard about that but I didn't want to store my weed in direct contact with something that holds batteries in it. So it doesn't seem damp right now and I have it baggied in a glasses case. Is it safe for me to assume they aren't moist enough to create mold?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. I would assume so. Unless they were wet/damp for a longer period of time, like overnight or something. Mold won't form from a few droplets if you moved the bud quickly.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity F

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