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Moldy Marijuana

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by marijuLIana, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, yes I know there have been and are a million different threads on this exact same topic. But just read this and give me your input.

    So its late nobody is awake, and I am out of the good stuff. All I have left is this moldy weed that I got for free that I saved for a day (well night) like this. According to a few sources that I read, cooking the buds at 300 degrees fahrenheit for 5 or 10 mins will kill the mold, I have also read that when smoking the mold the flame kills it. It doesn't make sense how cooking the weed at 300 degrees fahrenheit would kill the mold but 3590.6 degrees (temp of bic lighter according to online article) fahrenheit would not?

    Another person said that spraying the buds with that keyboard duster stuff, freezes the buds and then all the nasty chemicals safely evaporate and leave you with safer buds (safer because the molds dead? alive? gone? I am not sure). This doesn't seem very safe to me at all. Dry ice may have a similar effect and seems like a much safer route!

    I had this idea that maybe mold and the spores itself were actually larger then the trichomes. So tossing the moldy buds in a buster with a screen may by chance separate the trichomes, leaving behind the moldy marijuana. Seems farfetched I know.

    Please dont just tell me not to smoke the moldy marijuana, because chances are I probably wont anyways. I am just curious is there is actually any safe ways of removing or killing (is there a difference? can you even "remove" the mold?)

    Does anyone have any experience themselves of using any of these mentioned methods? or know the size of a sharpstone's micro screen, along with the size of common marijuana mold spores, and the size of tric's? I would also like to know if "killing" the mold would make it any safer to inhale? (to be honest I dont even know if the mold is living?-can anyone explain?)

    Maybe I can find myself somebody to test each method and see which tastes, and feels the best haha. Any input, advice, experience, or knowledge would be very much appreciated! I'll probably be doing some more research myself, and i'll keep you posted. :wave::smoke:
  2. Throw it away.
  3. Mold will grow in your lungs and you will die.
  4. Yes the mold is living as it is bacteria so by smoking that bud you are killing innocent bacteria :eek:
  5. You are right I will die. But I highly doubt it will be from that cause. I know I should just throw it out and get some more, heck this shit literally grows on trees. But thats besides my point, well kinda haha. C'man guys your saying this like mold is a completely foren substance to humans! you ingest this shit on a daily basis. If you think you have never eaten food with mold on it your completely wrong. How can it REALLY be that bad ?
  6. [quote name='"marijuLIana"']You are right I will die. But I highly doubt it will be from that cause. I know I should just throw it out and get some more, heck this shit literally grows on trees. But thats besides my point, well kinda haha. C'man guys your saying this like mold is a completely foren substance to humans! you ingest this shit on a daily basis. If you think you have never eaten food with mold on it your completely wrong. How can it REALLY be that bad ?[/quote]

    You don't smoke your moldy food do you?
  7. Cooking it will cook out the medicine.

    You don't want to inhale fungus or mold into the lungs. It can cause severe respiratory symptoms later down the road, only doing it once.

    If you're desperate to use the weed regardless, hydrogen peroxide seems to melt off mold with ease. Spray it on with a spray bottle, then blot the bud with a paper towel. You're not going get all the mold, but it's a good start. You would need to dry the bud a little before smoking.

    You can also use a torch to literally torch the mold off the outside quickjly, without cooking the bud too much. The torch will melt away mold on the outside (as well as trichs).

    Or you can be safer about it and ingest it. Cook the ganja into some butter on low heat for a while to kill the mold and extract THC. Then cool the butter and eat it on bread or bake into cookies.
  8. Dude throw that shit out.

  9. Poor, poor bacteria..
  10. Well if you want to die, smoke it.
  11. How is this seasoned?
  12. Seasoned with bacteria, have you read any posts?
  13. #13 rain dancer, Mar 14, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2012
    I have desiminated valley fever aka coccidiodomycosis. Its a fungus that thrives in the lungs and you get it from breathing the air in the desert. It has changed my life for the worse. It almost killed me last year, is considered terminal for some, like myself. If you want to gamble with your health be my guest. From experience, id warn you not to. Pain, paralysis, and oxygen treatments are not fun, especially when youre in your mid 20s.

    A taste of my experience with mold:
  14. Why is this in the Seasoned Toker's section? No need to act like a smart ass. Think before you post please.
  15. how do you know when your weed is bad? How are you supposed to store it? I notice like a day or two after I pick up, the weed is a lot drier.
  16. in a glass air tight jar is best
  17. Not sure if troll.
  18. Yea just throw it out. Too risky, plus all the time you had it sitting the mold was just getting worse.
  19. Can't you just get a magnifying glass and some tweezers and pick it off? Correct me if I am wrong, I've never dealt with moldy ganja. Also how much of it do you have?

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