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Moldy Bud or two in my jar. Does thaat mean all the buds could possibly have mold?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by redman1992, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Title is pretty self explainatory. My jar has a molded bud or two in it and now I'm wondering if its possible that now all the buds have a tiny amount of mold on them that isn't too clearly visible.
  2. i couldn't tell you for 100% but my experience with mold is it is highly contagious and spreads rapidly, especially in a closed jar. it also can have delayed incubation time on some buds.

    i have made QWISO hash from some lower quality stuff in my younger days that had dark spots that were probably mold but i used 99% iso which kills most bacteria/mold/that kind of thing and a gentle heat/freeze purge and didnt have any ill effects from smoking it. but I DONT RECOMMEND because i am not a biochemist. best bets are to trash it and thoroughly clean the jar with isopropyl alcohol and then rinse with cool water and dry for full sanitization.
  3. It spreads. Put the infected but in the freezer for like 5 - 10 minutes and take it out, let it warm up and be gentle or a lot of crystals will fall off and that should kill the mold and make it safe to smoke.

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