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Molds can be handy too

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Vee, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]
    in a Chinese 99c store yesterday I spied me some molds and hummed and harred to get or not.
    but at .50c how can I go wrong, got some re fillable lighters and a box or refiilable lpg gas
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  2. These are cool molds. I especially like the cross-hatch design in the center. I use silicon molds for my gummies and chocolate bars to ensure accurate dosage. Ya can't go wrong with a good mold...or two.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. thanks for the comment as I forgot all about these,
    I just have to find them, should I toke up first or after,

    after as I'll forget?
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  4. would you like to post your recipe, I'm looking for a simple chocolate, with canna oil added to melted chocolate?

  5. Does that work?
  6. I make my own BHO extract (which I do not recommend to anyone who is not experienced) and then run it through a short-path distillation system to create a distillate. This way I have a highly concentrated extract that's easy on the math as well (typically will test 90%). I'll decarb, add in soy lecithin, and add to my chocolate. You can do the same with the canna oil, activate it or buy it activated, add in soy lecithin, and then fold it into your chocolate.
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