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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ganjaplant, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone, I have a little problem with some mold. I grew a couple small plants, got about a half a piece. I put them in quarter ounce jars. My last quarter has a small amount of the white kind of mold that looks kinda like trichombs. There is small amounts of mold on most of the buds. I let them sit out for a while and none of the mold has spread. In the mean time I've been reading up on mold. From what I've read i think smoking it wouldn't be bad since theres not much and because the heat involved with lighting the weed would destroy the mold. Just wanted to make sure though.
  2. Pics would help A LOT in this situation, is it extremely white or just shiny?
  3. I will try to get some pics up in a few minutes, but they are very small and like little white hairs about the size of a trichomb.
  4. are they hairs or balls?
  5. Its definiteyl mold, I'm looking at it through my magnifying glass that I looked at the trichs to know if the plant was ready to harvest.

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