mold on leaves and stems

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by scooter08, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, I was planning on using my stems and leaves from my recent harvest to make some hash but there is mold on them. I know mold is bad so Im guessing to just throw them out or can I still use them for something
  2. toss it, mold can be harmfull to the lung's bro...
    that and leaf/stem hash is a shit ton of work for a tiny bit of shitty tasting hash to be honest..
    butter is your best bet with this trim if it was not molded, but now you can just toss it out cause of the mold..
  3. Show us a pic so I can be definitive on an answer if its mold or not. :D
    I'm just not sure what different molds look like, i had some that was white on my first budding plant, but my last harvest was did not cure properly so it might have been affected by mold because the taste and look changed from what it should have been, I just wouldn't mind seeing it on a picture.

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