molasses H20 theory and practice

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by questionable cultivar, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Just wondering what people have to say about using diluted molasses for watering during flower cycle?
    Does anyone have any solid, scientific based, and applied information about this subject? 
    I have only done this a few times, but my results have been less than convincing...
    The situation:
    I dilute the molasses at a ratio of 1Tbl. to 1 gal.  I administer approximately 2 1/2 cups of this solution to each plant, starting in the middle of the flowering cycle.
    When I have, I noticed that some yellowing had occurred. 
    Pro's: Based on what I know about microbial metabolics, and the role plant exudates have on the rhizosphere, It makes sense to me to administer a light solution of this stuff, akin to cutting out the 'middle man', ie, plants' circulatory system producing exudates in the form of sugars etc. 
    Con's: Bacteria flushes can occur rapidly, and as a result, a 'lock up' of nitogen can proceed until predatory beneficials gobble them up, leaving juicy scraps (soluble nutrients) behind. 
    I think this is what happened to me during my last grow. To combat this, this time, I preceded any molasses watering with an application of an AACT first to ensure high microbial counts, followed by the very next watering with a protozoa 'soup' in an attempt to keep the bacterial flush at bay, then came the molasses water. So far, so good. But, I am still a bit unsure as to when to use this most effectively.
    How often do 'you' water with molasses? What are your results? 

  2. I don't.

    I personally think it's stoner science.

  3. #3 marvajuana, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
    I'm not convinced that its just stoner science J. It may have benefits in specific situations. It seems to me if it works as a food source for ACTs it would feed the microbes in soil too. So in a living organic soil it is a food source like other amendments. Use in a chem grow is probably not effective.OP may have something here.I'm not an expert,but I play one on the internet.Mj
  4. I have read that anywhere from 15-20% of the carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis gets partitioned to microbes in the soil via exudates. So, without thinking about it too hard, it makes sense to think that you can save some of this partitioning by adding carbs directly to the soil, therefore allowing plants to convert more of their sucrose into polysaccharides like cellulose, making buds...bigger.
    But, this is merely superficial thought and in no way represents the actual complexity in these ecosystems. What makes even more sense to me is that adding molasses to organic soils adds to the 'net' gain of carbohydrates for the microbes and there in fact may be no mechanism for the plants to stop sending out their carbs. If this is true, then we would expect to see a bacterial bloom, in which case, you better hope you have enough protozoa and beneficial nematodes to balance them out. I'm really just guessing here, clearly.

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