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MODESTO (209) Dispensaries

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Trkiztokpbrthng, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. I apologize in advance if someone has already posted this. I'm fairly new. I just received my card, but the problem is I am trying to find a dispensary closer than Stockton, CA. The Doc that issued my card was not "privileged" to tell me exactly where I could find one, but said a new one just opened up not that long ago a little north of where I live in the Modesto area (209), and I need all the help I can get!

  2. shoot looks noone can help ya I just did a search and found this post :( Im looking too.
  3. Checking weed maps on my phone I could only find two delivery services in modesto. Closest club seemed to be tracy/manteca area. The one in tracy said delivery too.. But in the review the customer said best place they had been.... So unless they were hanging in the delivery van, it seems to be a club but I would call
  4. 2092758210 hope it helps
  5. I spoke with a lady at the smoke shop in Riverbank and I guess Modesto has a law baning actual stores. This is why there is all the delivery services.. Stockton has a couple stores but one I know of... is in a not so great part of town... but the one I think I'm going to go to is in James Town which is like 30 min away if that.

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