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MMM (Moderate Marijuana Management)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by vid00d2, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. I really wish there was a support group that counseled potheads on methods of successfully curbing and reducing use of pot, rather than the old "All-or-Nothing" abstinence doctrine that dominates the treatment industry and AA.

    I've recently decided to stop smoking everyday and cut my pot consumption to the weekends only. However, it's gonna be tough because the season premiere of South Park is on Wednesday and October postseason baseball is right around the corner. :smoke:

    Unfortunately, the only treatment options available are MA, which doesn't let you join unless you have a desire to stop entirely, and abstinence-only outpatient programs. Of course, there's always the good folks at GC to help me through it, but I'm looking for a more face-to-face alternative.

    Any ideas, blades?
  2. hmm, why are you choosing to reduce your consumption? is it a monetary issue or do you find it getting in the way of other things?
  3. Basically, I just want to prove to myself that I can handle it in moderation. I only toke nightly when I have nothing better to do, but I don't consider that a moderate amount, at least not for me.

    Plus, my therapist says I should cut down.
  4. All hope is lost...;)

    I suggest maybe finding a new hobby to keep you busy and focused on something else other then smoking.
  5. It sounds like you already know what to do, you just need to do it. Sorry you don't have a buddy or something to do it w/ you but true strength comes from within. IMO try weekends only and a small little puffer right before southpark comes out. Baseball is on TV to often so beware.
  6. whats MA stand for? Marijuana annonymous ? LMAO
  7. The only way that would work for me is if i bought a small amount for the weekend oin each friday. If i have abag sitting around all week there is no way in hell it would work. I already do what you do sort of but its more like 1 week nightly smoke then 1 week abtinance. I thought about doing the weekend only thing but that wont work for me i dont have a good enough reason to sit around with a bag next to me wondering wtf why im not smoking it haha. I dont like buying small quantities either. I also have a addictive personality so it could be different in my case.Good luck though im sure it will work if you dont have the same personality as me.
  8. I got a idea,how about you get a hobby to occupy your time,cuz to me,it sounds like your reallllllllllly bored.Work out,go for a walk,any form of exercise,that should curve your cravings.
  9. Most of the time if a person has a problem moderating their drug use then it SHOULD be an all or nothing thing, because it indicates a problem. Otherwise you should be able to just do it without needing any 'support group' or the like.
  10. if there is actually a marijuana annonymous equivalent to AA, I will sit here and legit shit myself on the spot.. someone please confrim
  11. Let me google that for you :rolleyes:
  12. Marijuana Anonymous World Services

    Yeah... Sounds fucking magical...




    Sign up for marijuana anonymous today!

  14. I'm having a bit of a hard time believing any of this.
  15. It's standard 12-step program type stuff. It actually does work for people with addiction problems so I don't see why it wouldn't work for cannabis addicts, and yes there are cannabis addicts. There are quite a few of them on this website in fact.
  16. I'm aware of that, I wasn't aware of the religious aspect.
  17. Wait toking up only at night is not moderation? Well, I'm in the shitter then. Of course we're all different and such but having addictions to things much more powerful than pot really gives you perspective on how little pot does.

    And I really don't think you should worry about smoking daily but only at night, my therapist tells me all sorts of shit doesn't mean I listen to everything.
  18. [quote name='vid00d2']I really wish there was a support group that counseled potheads on methods of successfully curbing and reducing use of pot, rather than the old "All-or-Nothing" abstinence doctrine that dominates the treatment industry and AA.

    I've recently decided to stop smoking everyday and cut my pot consumption to the weekends only. However, it's gonna be tough because the season premiere of South Park is on Wednesday and October postseason baseball is right around the corner. :smoke:

    Unfortunately, the only treatment options available are MA, which doesn't let you join unless you have a desire to stop entirely, and abstinence-only outpatient programs. Of course, there's always the good folks at GC to help me through it, but I'm looking for a more face-to-face alternative.

    Any ideas, blades?[/QUOTE

    sorry dude but MMM stand for marine marauder and medivacs..... find a diff acronoym
  19. All 12 step programs have it. They call it a "higher power" and do not specify what that might be. It's personal to the individual. It's more spiritual than religious in that regard because they deliberately avoid tying it to any religious tradition, deity name, etc.

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