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MMJ patient with job question

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Pootime, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I am a medical marijuana patient here in SoCal and I am looking for a job. Many places drug test, and my question is if it matters or not if you are a MMJ Patient or not. If a job drug tested and I told them I was a licensed patient would I still be considered for the position or will I be shown the door? thanks in advance.
  2. Shown the door. You are not protected at all, so either detox or use a whizzinator (or whatever the new one is called).
  3. Asked and answered a ton of times.

    NO, your patient status offers no job discrimination protection whatsoever. Fail a test, you're not protected. They find out you're a patient, not protected.

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