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MMJ help! (use of medicine in certain places)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Stayintheclouds, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Hey GC,

    Just have a quetion I thought of, and I'm hoping you guys can help ;)
    I live in CA and I know that most apartments and places for rent aren't smoke friendly (cigs) let alone cannabis. I'm taking a trip soon to see the MMJ doctor to become certified to use MMJ, and I was just curious...If you can't take your medicine IN,oreven outside the apt. area, where are you supposed to?!
    Basically what I'm saying is, I'm pretty sure there's guidelines about smoking in parks, federal spaces etc, EVEN when you are a medical patient, but then, where is smoking MMJ legal for medical patients if you can't use it at home, or in public?

    If anyone knows the rules about Cali's MMJ smoking perimiters and such, help me to understand please :)

  2. Here's the basics:

    You can smoke anywhere it's legal to smoke cigarettes, with exceptions of parks, schools, etc. There are NO legal protections for MMJ patients so if you rent a non-smoking apartment and you get caught smoking you can be evicted. Hell if you rent an apartment with any sort of "illegal drug" language in the lease you can be evicted.

    It's a catch 22, but that's what it is.
  3. I realize that this does not answer your question directly, so I apologize in advance.

    However if you are concerned about being able to take your medicine in a multi-dwelling unit (i.e. an apartment) because of odor, you may want to consider a vaporizer. There are many vaporizers on the market that eliminate practically all odor and will still allow you to get the desired effects from cannabis.

    The Magic Flight Launch Box comes to mind.
  4. OC, ya beat me to it! :D But I would have said a Vapor Brothers Hands-free, lol! Mine has been in daily use for several years and works fine in spite of being dropped several times. (Hubby has a knack for snagging cords :p ) It's small, noiseless, and works well. Vaping smells a lot less than smoking, so it is less likely to cause problems!

    And don't forget that the "left-overs" from vaping still have some kick left in them. Some folks smoke them, but I find them harsh and less than good tasting. I put mine into brownies for a nice little day-time high!

    Also on the restrictions, smoking outside near a school is also forbidden! Inside is OK. :smoke:

    Granny :wave:

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