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MMJ help for younger brother.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Like2Toke, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Okay so it turns out that depression runs in my family because it turns out my younger brother is severely depressed he recently tried to kill himself and ended up in a mental hospital and basically he doesn't like using prescription meds because he gets sick from them so he wants to use them for maybe a month or two and then switch to MMJ only thing my parents haven't said yes yet and he is only 16 but they are considering it because they see the severity of the situation and kinda see where hes coming from. Anyway he wrote me a letter and im gonna put here so maybe some more experienced people can get him an answer instead of me.

    "Hey bro,
    so I was talking to mom and dad when they visited me at here at the bmc and I was telling them how their medications are making me sick and they said i have to take them anyway or they force me to take them and im here longer because of not willing to co-operate. But anyway I asked them about some medical weed cus it makes me feel better it takes my depression away and takes away the effects of it I feel normal after smoking but mom said she still doesnt feel safe cus grampa raised her against it. So please could you talk to them for me? I tell you what im feeling you know better than them and I know you could think of something to tell them to say yes.

    Anyway come visit me I get lonely here."

    So anyway could some seasoned tokers please write like the pros and cons of mmj and like side effects and stuff. I feel for the kid and I want him to be happy again so I need to help convince our parents.
  2. Try showing your parents the Movie 'The Union', probably the best educational movie about MMJ out there. You can buy it or just watch it here: The Union good luck, hope it helps.
  3. thats the best advice yo..straight up....then u get buds too :]
  4. The Union will make 9/10 people change their view on marijuana imo.
  5. Tell your parents about all the terrible side effects and health effects of antidepressants, and the very few negative effects of MMJ. I'm sure they're just worried because they've never looked into the truth about marijuana, and have never thought about it rationally, seeing unbiased sources.
  6. best wishes to you and your bro. I get where he's coming from, mj helped me through a few rough patches
    I was diagnosed with depression in my early college years after some family issues long story short my doc told me mj was the best thing for people like me, MMJ for depression is not for everyone but your bro sounds like a kid like me who would really benefit from it, MJ can be a great thing when used intelligently.
  7. tell them that marijuana has had few if any links to lung cancer, and that marijuana decreases stress on the brain. thats what did if for a lot of my ignorant friends :)
  8. #9 ForYouBlue, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    I'm sorry for what your brother is going through, and I know all of the responses so far have been positive, but the chance of your underage brother getting a card is extremely slim. It's very rare for a minor to get a card in the first place, and depression is simply not seen as a severe enough illness to justify giving MMJ to a kid.

    Honestly though, it's probably best that he waits until he's older. Counseling/therapy and select prescriptions (you really have to find the right one) can be tremendously helpful in managing depression.

    Good luck :)

    EDIT: I don't think the second part of this post is very clear--prescription meds CAN help, but a lot of them also have nasty side effects and some simply don't work at all. Personally, I'm down with the herbal route but not for kids (an obvious exception being those kids whose severe illnesses are managed with MMJ). There is a certain amount of growing up that needs to take place during those teenage years and it's much less likely to happen when you're high all the time.
  9. There is no way you can cure depression with a pharmasutical prescription. In no way. Depression is in the mind. Something in his life must have triggered these feelings of depression. It could be a feeling of ineqaulity or possibly he just isnt happy deep down inside. Talk with him, on a serious basis. Smoke some weed first because it loosens people up. Stop giving him meds that is just fucking up his body. We are made naturally so why the fuck would chemicals be good for us? Just saying. Try talkign with him and being a more loving person towards him. Sometimes acts of kindness towards someone can make them become a nicer person, ive been doing that towards my sisters and havent fought with them for almos half a year. Medications are not your answer. He obviosuly has serious life issues or maybe like you said it could be hereditary. That being said I still think you shoudl try talking with him and if all fails, get MMj. Weed severley helped my life, and it will most likely help his.

    Peace. Please
  10. Why don't you get a card so that you can get it for him?
  11. Sorry to hear about your younger bro man. Thats rough. I agree that the Union is a good source of knowledge for you parents. There are doctors, experts, seasoned tokers that all speak out in it. Its a really well done documentary.

    A friend of mine that told me about it suffers from medical issues as well and MJ has helped him way way more than the prescriptions. Just speaking with him and hearing his story will change anyones mind in my opinion. I got alot of respect for him for what he's been through and still how amazing of a person he is. One of my biggest role models prolly till I die.

    MJ is not going to change who your brother is. Not in any way. It is going to help him become a better person who may be able to help share his story to other who are suffering.

    I hope everything turns out well for him!
  12. #13 kaztatts, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    also try showing your parents run from the cure..the rick simpson changed the mind of many people including doctors,its available on you tube and at
  13. Having had a stay in a psychiatric hospital twice, I can fully empathise with your bro. I won't pretend its easy to do but it is probably best to tell him to jump through the various hoops that hospitals have i.e. take the means he will get out of there quicker, which can only be a good thing.

    Anti depressants can work, to a limited degree, but as has been said above there are far more deep seated issues that the pills can never sort out. I have managed to stop taking the anti depressants, anti anxiety and other pills. It has now been cut it back to just an anti psychotic, and I use weed for the rest. It isn't a cure-all but it certainly helps to give me some semblance of normality and doesn't leave one zombified.

    Main problem with the age thing, not too sure what to say about that...however, the argument of what is the lesser evil at that age? should he really be forced to take chems that make him feel like crap and are just as active, and potentially destructive, on his developing brain as weed, just because of its social stigma?

    Hope this helps OP

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