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MMJ card question

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Malenki, May 30, 2009.

  1. In a state such as colorado that has medical marijuana. Can you still smoke legally and be a school teacher? What happens then?
  2. #2 The Budmaster, May 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2009
    Do you get drug tested? If so, how often?

    I am not sure exactly how jobs that do drug testing handle Medical Marijuana employees.

    If you get drug tested, and don't know when they will be so you can just stop smoking a couple weeks before, I would talk to your employer and say that your doctor has recommended that you try medical marijuana for your condition. I would imagine you'd need to reassure them that you won't be smoking during or before school hours. After they clear it, you would be all good and not have to worry about anything.

    However, if there are no drug tests, there is no obligation for you to share details about your health with anybody but your doctor.
  3. I already have a degree and am going to a certification school for teaching. I really want to move to colorado but really just a medical marijuana state. I am damn positive I could get a card my spine looks like somebody took a bat to it, but ive been self medicating for years :)

    I really dont want to have to ask the employer though. I mean most pricipals are preety old from my experience it would probably be the same thing as asking if the drug test is going to pick up meth....

    I dont do meth
  4. You should not tell your employers that you use medical marijuana. The Colorado MMJ law does not protect you from being fired from your job, even if you are a licensed patient. Furthermore you should not have to tell your employer what you do on your personal time, as long as it does not effect your work. The law states that all registry records are confidential, and can only be reviewed by law enforcement to verify the status of an individual in question. I am a native of Colorado went to school here and I can tell you from experience, if you do get high and become a teacher here you won't be the only one. Look into getting on to DPS for best results. Hit me up when you get to town and I will personally see to all your medicinal needs. Thanks hope to see you soon. :wave:

  5. DPS is denver public schools right? Im going to start a teacher certification program next semester here in florida, it is 2 semesters long and colorado is the state I want to go to if I can get employed. Lakewood denver is what im familiar with my grandparents live there. If i can find a job there after school though ill have to hit you up, for my medicinal needs. I am preety damn sure that a back xray will get it for me.

    Damn I really want to smoke a j at the top of a 14ner thinking mt shavano(sp?) Just cause theres a nice rock to sleep on for a bit up by the top lol

    Thanks for the info though man, I have really been want some good answers from colorado.
  6. I could have sworn I responded to this.

    If they give random drug tests he has two options:

    1) Don't Smoke

    2) Tell Employers

    Or... I guess a 3rd option which you are encouraging...

    3) Smoke, get randomly drug tested, get fired or suspended and try and convince them after the fact that it's medical and try to get your job back.
  7. Just tell them, as budmaster said it will be a lot easier than telling them after they catch you.
  8. Yes, that is Denver Public Schools. Lakewood would be Jefferson County. Jeffco is really kinda wishy washy as far as thier school system goes, they are always talking about cut backs, school closures. DPS has had the same issues but they seem to have more funding. I attended school in both counties and had a better learning experience in the DPS system. I have an aunt who is a teacher who worked for DPS I will ask her about thier drug testing policy.:smoking:
  9. I was not stating that Malenki should try to get away with anything shady. I was not trying to step on any toes either.
    We have to assume we are free although I know and most of you probably do as well that we are not. Telling your employer or someone in control of you what you do on your personal time, or being required, to to me is unconstitutional. We all know that's not how it works though. Drug tests are at the frontline of this tyranny. Nine times out of ten the only drug that is found through urine analysis is Marijuana. Most other illcit drugs they might be looking for flush out of your system at rapid rate. Cocaine only takes approx. three days, Alcohol only 24 hrs. But alcohol is legal so in most instances alcohol would be fine. Marijuana on the other hand takes twenty eight days. I asked an owner at a job interview what the purpose of his pre-employment drug testing was for and what he thought or hoped they would find. He looked at me kind of puzzled for a second or two than said " I just want to ensure the safety of my employees and knowing before hand if someone uses drugs and saves me alot of insurance costs." I asked him if alcohol was a concern. "I drink, and working in construction most guys do, so I don't have a problem with that. As long as they're not coming to work all hung over and they can't work." Everything he said made perfect sense. Then I asked him if he felt like he was dicriminating against people with whom he don't share the same views. "No." He replied. I then asked him about what people do an thier own time and does he think someone should be held down because of thier prerogatives. Again that confused look. I then told him about urine analysis and what can be found and when, and how it is a form of policing personal choice. I threw it in his face how it was okay to be an alcoholic because he is. Needless to say I never got the job. I asked him how many of his employees that he knew of that were under the influence of alcohol, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, or prescription drugs, while at work or at home. He could not answer. I told him "No you don't." I told him that I did not want to work for a hypocrite or a government robot anyway so no hard feelings just thought he should know that. We are not FREE.
    :devious:YOU CHOOSE:devious:

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