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MMJ card for OCD\Tourettes?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Pocketthunder, Aug 10, 2010.

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  1. i have OCD and tourettes, and smokin weed helps a lot with my symptoms, for example having OCD i have a lot of difficulty getting to sleep, but when im high i can get to sleep almost instantly and sleep through the night very very well and the next day feels so much better being well rested. it helps with my tics while i am high, tics are the twitches or outbursts i have caused by tourettes, my tics are usually not as bad when im high, because i am very relaxed. i have NO idea how to go about getting a medical marijuana prescription, what should i do? is it even possible to get a card for tourettes\OCD?

    any advice would help
  2. My 10-year-old sister supposedly has tourettes too. She just has facial tics. I don't know much about tourettes.
  3. tourettes varies a lot in severity and tics, i used to only have facial tics aswell as tapping, when i was younger, also the earliest form of OCD was when if i touched something i would have to touch it with the other hand sometimes more than once till it felt right, which i ignored but now that i now much more about OCD i realize it was one of my symptoms
  4. Please check the stickied thread above entitled "Do You Qualify".

    I do not believe Tourette's is covered in Canada, but the thread will have more info and a link IIRC to where to get more info for Canadian would-be patients.

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