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MMJ and Psychological Problems, also a few questions

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by AKTHUNDERFACK, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Recently my brother was deployed to Iraq, if any of you have had a loved one sent over seas you understand what i feel like. Unfortunately I do not live in a state where Ganja is legally available as a medicine so I can't just go to a doctor for it. Also i was charged with possession a while ago so my parents are drug testing me, obviously you all don't know my parents but do you believe that if i failed a drug test that my reason for smoking is Medicinal because i'm feeling stressed, depressed and im worrying about my brother? because lets face it, we all want to be manly and say we won't miss each other, but when it comes down to it.. he's my brother and he is my bestfriend and we know each other better than anyone else in the world... i can't even watch a war movie anymore without getting a sick feeling in my stomach.

    also a few questions:

    Do you get any medicinal benefits for mids?

    When you go to sleep high do you not feel rested in the morning? (i mean like smoking right before you get in bed, not coming down.) Ive done this many times and yes i do fall asleep quick, but i wake up what feels like 15 mins later when really its been a whole nights worth of sleep.

  2. Nah stay away from mids

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