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MMJ and getting jobs

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by gollygreengiant, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. So my dad has me worried. I told him about how i'm going to get a card, :D I don't need his permission anymore since i'm 18 :D, and he warned me saying that if i did get a card then i would be limiting myself on which jobs i could get. He said that all the federal jobs and even jobs at places like Qwest would be off limits to me because i have a MMJ liscense. He also said that i would get fired from my current job as a lifegaurd if they found out. I'm freeking out, i don't want to loose my job and not be able to get a good one after college, i don't think that MMJ is that important. can someone please shed some light on this situation please, i'll be your best friend:p
  2. Yes, as adults we all make choices. As far as getting a job, most decent paying jobs want an initial drug screen. just do what it takes to get clean if you need to. I'm pretty sure that Colorado doesn't tell anyone when you get a card.
  3. Wait having a med card doesn't exempt you from failing a drug test for only marijuana?
  4. #4 ModderXtr, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    No, there are no protections for someone with a RECOMMENDATION for cannabis. If you fail a drug test you will be fired.
  5. Thank the terminator. In California, he has been a one man blockade against medical cannabis patient's rights. Governor Vetoes Job Security for MMJ Users
    Arnie is pretty damned set against equal rights for medical patients, until we get a new Governor, there will be no more real progress toward any type of acceptance of medical use in the workplace.

    Schwartzeneggar must own stock in Urineluck.;)
  6. The other posters in this thread have it correct, there are no protections for MMJ patients. If you fail a drug test your MMJ status will not help you.

    ADDITIONALLY, you can also be discriminated against in housing, as you CAN be evicted for growing without the Landlord's consent.

    THAT SAID - Your patient status is protected by Federal HIPAA law, so it's not like they can easily find out - BUT if you do go for a job that drug tests it won't help.
  7. Like wildwill said.. dont tell them. Dont flaunt it. They probably wont find out. Not all gov jobs test. ANd even most that test on entry never test again.

    november.. mr new 18 y/o.. make sure you vote...
  8. #8 icybonghitman, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Yeah, I am wondering about this myself. I'm thinking of moving to a medical mj state like Colorado and am currently an Engineer. I can definitely pass an initial drug screening, but how crazy are states like Colorado (or other legal states) with random drug testing? Can anybody with an office job like engineering comment on this? Will they fire you if you turn up positive on a random test but pass your initial screening and have your card?
  9. well as long as you don't test dirty there should be no reason just having a card would exempt you from a job. They can't look it up because of doctor patient confidentiality
  10. #10 Tidwella, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    There is one way I know of to be able to get away with failing a drug test.

    The prescription drug marinol is synthetic thc. It is FDA approved and a normal prescription drug which means you can not be discriminated against for using it. Since it is thc, you will fail a drug test if you have one, but from everythin I've read it seems that thc is the only cannabinoid they test for and there is also no way to distinguise synthetic thc from naturally occurin thc in the cannabis plant. Which means if you have a marinol precription, you can also smoke and not have to worry about failing a drug test- as long as you produce the prove that you are legally on marinol. I would also suggest producing that proof prior to failing the test.
    I hope that helps some.

    Also there is nothing in the law that says you have to say that you have a license, or that would allow an employer to find out. I think you are pretty covered. I still have an active marinol prescription even though I smoke.

  11. Yea this is basically all very true. I got sent in for a drug test and they wanted me to piss in front of the doctor. Naturally i failed the drug test miserably, and got a call saying i failed. The lady asked "is the prescription for marinol?"
    No, i didnt have one but several months later i talked to my doc, he woulda faxed over a marinol script to them..... so just check with your doctor you get your script from, and try taking care of that before you go failing any drug tests.
  12. with a standard doctor recommendation you dont go on some "national list of medical users". remember weed is a medicine and you dont have to tell your employers what your medications are, they also cant search for your medical card. if you dont tell your employer, they wont find out. also you cant be fired for having a medical card, it would be discrimination.

    only the doctor u got the card from, dispensaries you go to, and you, will know about your medical card.

    even if you get a county card or state card you still are not on a list that is accessible to employers, only law enforcement.
  13. #13 ModderXtr, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010

    message too short

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