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MM laws

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by drtask, Dec 18, 2006.

  1. hello all. I am sure there is a post, but im stoned and lazy so i am posting a new one about this. would have the information for medical marijuana card eligibility? i would like to know if there are cards issued in new mexico, as i have had several doctors tell me to continue my marijuana usage for managing the mood swings and psychosis i suffer from as a result of severe bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. i currently do not have the funding to move somewhere that issues cards, and i would like to find this information out so i can get a card as soon as possible so i dont have to be shitting bricks everytime i pick up, you know? im tired of these street dealers jipping my shit and selling me premature buds./ sorry for the long post, but need to know some info
  2. no because nm doesn't have mmj. wouldn't checking around on google be easier than typing a post?

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