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Muscle Spasms MM for nerve and spasm pain in MD

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Newbie usa, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Hi.
    I live in MD. I use MM for herniated disk pain and muscle spasms along with standard medication. I'm having a very hard time finding anything or any information on this. Since full legalization pain products have disappeared. I use about 5mg gummy per day. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Are you referring to drug interactions or what?
  3. 2 herniated 1 bulging c4,5,6. I get pretty good relief with tincture for 3-4 hours, It aint a fix.
  4. I used tinctures for a year or more and they worked good. After legalization the companies stopped making them. I prefer tinctures as i can sort of control the dosage.
  5. I made a muscle rub with dmso, horse liniment, tinc, & whatever menthol type ben gay goop I have around. People always give us geezers muscle rub. Be REAL careful with dmso & any pepper/capsacion especialy near the eyes, test a small spot first. IDK if it gets you high cuz I'm always high. :confused_2:
  6. MM is often used in combination with other pain management strategies, such as physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. This can help to maximize pain relief while minimizing potential side effects. Tinctures are effective in my case.
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  7. It's admittedly a process but look into what BrassNWood and Psychedelic Sam have posted about tinctures and other edibles; if you grow your own, the potential to manage your own wellbeing is in your hands.
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  8. Seems the dispensaries here have listened to an extent. I have 2:1 and 4:1 gummy type with up to 40mg CBD. I can feel the swelling going down many times. Having CBD in this amount and activated is kinda new in MD.
    Over the last week using 2/day has worked very well. Hopefully it will continue.

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