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MJ make you super messy?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by canofthebis, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ughhh, i been trying to wake up at 6.50 in the morning for gym, but cuz i smoke late at night its soo hard to get up, also my room is super clean but as soon as i come upstairs from a smoke i immediatley throw my coat on the floor and proceed to eat 12 bag of crisps simulataneously throwing each bag on the floor,then i wake up in the morning, see the mess i made and think uhh fuck it ill go back to sleep

    anyone else?
  2. Well im always messy high or not
  3. #3 Kaetzchen, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    I'm super clean and my room is always spotless but when I smoke it makes me super OCD clean.

    Weed is a motivator for me.

  4. lol im usually like that but once i smoked all i can think is get in bed with the tv on asap
  5. I'm really cluttered all the time... My girlfriend dies whenever she sees my stuff.

    I don't smoke that often though and when I do I've been with friends or before bed so I don't know if I'm being more messy or not...
  6. Happens to me alllllll the time. Come back from a smoke and i toss all my garments off of me onto my chair and dresser and collapse on my bed. I'm kinda like that anyways though. I'm usually super neat and clean but i have my lazy times. When i get burnt out i want to do nothing but lay down and not deal with hanging up clothes or house chores lol
  7. my room is a mess filled with empty pizza boxes and paper plates. not to mention empty dime bags scattered everywhere.

  8. Ima clean person but i also have those days. lol.

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