mj laws for minors in CA

Discussion in 'General' started by streetpharmacy, Jan 19, 2006.

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  1. My friend was wondering what the punsihment for possesing a glass pipe and 1 or 2 grams of mj in so cal for a minor with no previous drug arrests (4 involontary rehab/psych ward stays ) would be if the cop had a good day? if the cop had a bad day? thx
  2. hehe, well when I what in HS and got busted with my bong and a nug at a party they just took our stuff and had our parents come pick us up. They told my mom that she could usually make more of a difference in our lives than a judge. But I think possesion of paraphanelia and possesion is enough to land you a fat fine, and 6 months probation w/ drug testing.
  3. If you tell the cop you got weed before he finds it, he will most likely let you go and possibly give you your weed back. (Thats on a cops good day)

    If the cop is pissed, then you will recieve a misdemeanor ticket that will cost you $270.00(no probation).

    Basically, Marijuana is legal in California, but Ilegal to get cought.

    You can now get a licence to legally smoke marijuana if you go to the right doctor. You will be able to purchace marijuana from a local clinic. If your over 18 I know a good place to obtain you medical marijuana licence for $150.
    Follow up with this link ACC Alternative Care Consultants. Most of my friends have gone to this clinic and recieved there right to smoke legally. I havnt cuz INeedMoney :) Eventually Ill make my way there.
  4. so no possiblem juvie time? because my friend doesnt want to go to riverside juvie:eek: the cops around swims town do not like him be cause he called the sherriff a pig and was almost pepersprayed for\'using fighting words that provoke confrontation. and the cops rememberd that incident the last time they came so swim expect them to remember next time
  5. check the norml site
  6. do you like insane clown posse, 3sh@m?? because i belive that they do songs together
  7. for a minor? i dont know the laws...your parents will probably be fined...theyll check up on you at school...i honestly have no clue.
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