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MJ "hangover"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by VikingToker, May 8, 2011.

  1. Like the title says. Smoked a ton yesterday, pretty much all day. I'm feeling really just... burned out, tired, almost like a hangover without the queeziness or the headache.

    Does this condition have a name?
  2. stoneover.
    you must have smoked a lot ;)
  3. I love this feeling..

    next day feels so chilled
  4. Stoneover, I can dig it. :D

    And ye, smoked a lot, over a whole day. Last weekend of weed before a long break to study for exams.

    It does feel chill as fuck. :D
  5. You'll have the best sleep ever tonight man, have a big lay in tomorrow :)
  6. it means u ate too much food when u were stoned take a few shits i just filled up my toilet bowl with shit

  7. fairplay
  8. Yeah man I love that feeling.

    Greenovers FTW
  9. It's a much better feeling than an alcohol hangover, it would still be pretty crap to have to go to work (depending on the job) or do something serious though.
  10. Got it right now too :(

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