mj and penicillin ??

Discussion in 'General' started by ctdank420, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. I have strep throat and im really high and im just now wondering if it could interfere with it or something you know? if so is it anything to worry about?
    i know weed doesnt interfere with much, but i wana know just in case haha. peace.
  2. The smoking might irritate the strep but cannabis itself shouldn't interact with penicilin.
  3. Id suggest doing edibles. If you have a sore throat, inhaling hot smoke isnt the best thing for it
  4. ^ hes right, edibles are the way to go in this situation, even a vape could irritate your throat.
  5. Swallowing edibles is gonna hurt strep throat too. No, weed won't do anything to penecillin, it's an antibiotic not a psychotropic.
  6. Yeah its all good guys i just smoked anyway haha the penicillin is kicking in and my soar throat is goin away lol
  7. canna-icecream ftw

  8. Penecillin doesn't work that way, it doesn't "kick in" and magically reduce the symptoms of strep throat, it begins to kill the bacteria causing the infection so that it goes away. You just feel less pain because of being high lol, not from an anti-biotic.
  9. man i thought this thread was going to be about Michael Jackson and dying with penicillin

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