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Misty and Original Cheese (macro (1200px*900px))

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by whoamiagain, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 whoamiagain, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    So I went to the local coffeeshop today and noticed they had a new strain called Misty so I had to try it of course ;) ..
    It's very dense and white, the taste is great, like Amnesia smoked by bbq coal! The high is real energetic, in fact I went
    mountainbiking after a snap because I just felt like getting out there:D..

    Another strain I picked up is the Original Cheese, this is some good ol' fat weed and the smell and taste is just out of this world.
    I bet you could make some good edibles with this (Italian kitchen perhaps? I'd love this with mozzarella and pesto or something)..

    Misty: €10,- ($13.80) the gram
    Original Cheese: €12,- ($16.56) the gram

    And a nice snap of Misty:
    [ame=""]YouTube - Snap of Misty[/ame]
    Don't complain about my water levels haha, the diffuser I use isn't one of the best but the high water levels make up for it.
    It's much tastier and smoother in my experience!
  2. Gorgeous buds!

    How's the taste?:D
  3. The Original Cheese tastes like an insane sweet Cheese strain, pure sugar right there:D! The Misty I descriped in the opening post :) .
  4. Nice repping the 10 Ft. Ganja palnt, pumped for the new album!
  5. #5 whoamiagain, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    Haha good to see another fan of 10 Ft. Ganja Plant:smoke:!

    I actually bought the LP of Hillside Airstrip because of the amazing album cover. My turntable isn't even connected to anything hehe:p..

    I'm stoked for the new album too man, do you know when it's going to be released? I hope 420 again hehe:D..

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