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Missing Weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ugadawgfan, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Ok so a little background first, the person who I suspect stealing my weed is my cousin. He is short on cash all the time because of a few bad choices he made and what not. He also used to do unmentionables. Whenever I get home from work and I go to smoke my bag always seems a little lighter than I left it. This only happens when I am at work and my cousin is at home where he has a chance to steal it. I would hide it form him but it is usually him and I smoking so he always sees me go get it and shit. I also had close to $100 taken from me. The question is do I confront him or just not smoke with him any more, even though he is the closest person to me and he only recently started stealing I believe.

    Sorry its long
    short version - I believe my cousin is stealing my some of my weed, how do I catch him or confront him?
  2. Cousin or not, man, that's fucked.
  3. I would first get the bag when you're about to smoke with him and be like "wth? It feels lighter. Did you smoke some?" or something like that and see how he reacts
  4. I'd confront him straight up, thats not cool my weed and my cash woooah man crossed the line :smoking:
  5. Set up a camera
  6. Get a lock box for your stash...
    Also, confront him. Try to be as cool headed as possible no matter what happens in the conversation as he is a family member.
  7. scale it before and after every session. just say you're trying to conserve or something and only want to smoke x-amount each time.
  8. The thing is another guy I know well actually worked for who my cousin worked for to blamed him for stealing close to 4 years ago and they havent talked since. they even used to live together and be some of the closest friends but anytime someone confronts my cousin on anything negative towards him he completely flips and my mom did not want me to say anything to him about my money because they are afraid that he may do something stupid. so i do not want to make a mistake I regret for the rest of my life over weed
  9. purp i dont have a scale :(
  10. Hit him in the face, very hard.
  11. [quote name='"purplerhino"']scale it before and after every session. just say you're trying to conserve or something and only want to smoke x-amount each time.[/quote]

    This could work if you're too scared to tell your cousin anything ....

  12. damn. is it possibly to bring the weed to work? maybe keep it in your car?

  13. it could also work if you don't want to cause any trouble with your family
  14. "cuz....are you stealing my weed?" there ya go man, now the ball's in his court.

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