missing pages!

Discussion in 'General' started by the rainman!, May 19, 2002.

  1. every now and then we all find within us ink that has its own life ! i dont normaly do this ,when i am at a site, the site and its members give me insight and i let that impower me , why i am at that site or talking to those members ,last night i wrote this when i was at the edge ,i find it is one of those pages of ink that should be herd by all ! not a long page of words ,but meanfull ink ,see if you can feel this ink ,even you dr doom ! its called ( i wish i had a million lighters !).......................................... As i light it ! the smoke began to rise into the air,i watch it go upward,slowly up above me, like my spirit riseing up as if it was my passing! is this god takeing my soul to heaven? i am as a winged bird in flight ,or a ballon floating upward, how far well i go? upward, into sky? into space? or beyond? will my high fade under me fast like a falling star? or will i float back to the earth,to the sweet dirt in wich my cannbis loves with it's powerfull roots! it passes like all things must,ashes to ashes! ... dust to dust! i wonder how high i was ? i light the next just to see! once again!, come fly with me! .................................................................................................... what can be seen, felt and herd can sometimes find it self locked within the ink ! this page dose that for me,i just wanted to share it with you, i hope you dont mind me wasteing your time if you dont under stand it ,but from within my soul this page sings softly! good luck tazz11

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