How do you feel about the fox farms soils? Ocean Forest in particular Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yes, soil and light are the most important things. Soil moreso because they will grow with just about any light, but for quality the light makes a huge difference, if indoors. You smoke is smooth because you were essentially all organic! Thats one of the biggest reasons for going full organic and not using chemicals, your plants thank you with some of the smoothest smoke you will ever have!
you can very easily make your own soil, with all the same stuff in it. I'm not uber familiar with whats available in south africa (other than some good fucking music, seether is my shit!) but you can easily mix up a soil with most of the same shit in it.
Both organic and non are supplying chemicals to the plant and just like the plant does not recognize its source, you would/could not either given a correctly cured product.
you share a video about organic food? Do you chop up your food and smoke it in a pipe or a joint? Don't think so. I've tried them side by side and could absolutely tell a HUGE difference between the two. I also know several who grow, and use chems. We grew the same strain, same dirt, he used chemicals (man made) and I used all organic. The difference is night and day.
You try to make it sound like a difference would/should be easier to detect if fired. That is just as silly as your original claim and your sample size of 1.
all knowing bravedave, since you know everything, whats the point of having organic ferts then? Just because it sounds good?
Come on, Jman..what does that question have to do with anything that has been said? Nowhere did I discount what can be achieved with organics. I am just positive that just like the people in the video, half would fail a blind taste test when handed properly grown, dried, and cured weed of either persuasion. (the other half having made a lucky guess) No amount of smoke blown up asses will change that.