Mirror Morphing

Discussion in 'General' started by Classy Man, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. I know I have heard of this somewhere so I know Im not the only one :smoking:

    I remember hearing somewhere that if you stare at yourself in the mirror for a long time, really focusing on your face and not moving much, that you will start to see your face morphing.
    Well I had just finished smoking and I'm in my room its lowlight because I have a small blue lamp that I use at night, it gives off this soft glow around the room. I walked up to my mirror and I just stared at myself for some reason (I wasn't thinking about this topic at the time). I just looked at myself and then I couldn't, or didn't want to look away. Then after like 30 seconds i started morphing, and i seriously started to look like a DEMON! Like some creepy ass Devil thing it was kind of scary but I couldn't turn away. Then like 15 seconds later i snapped out of it.
    I don't know what to think of it because it was pretty vivid. I'm pretty high right now but that felt like i was tripping lol.

    Anyone heard of this or had an experience like it?
  2. Haha! When I was a kid, me and my friend used to do this. We would just stare at each others faces until they started to morph and we'd freak out. It happens if you stare at pretty much anything hard enough. Couldn't tell ya why though.
  3. I used to do this all the time. And whenever I hotboxed with a friend, if I stare at a wall, in the corner of my eye my friends face starts to look like other people, like Jonah Hill
  4. I used to do it with a dim lit candle. It made me look like I was growing older and dying slowly....
    Freaked me out so much I had to make my mirror face the wall every night after that.
  5. I remember someone explaining this to me at some point, though i was absolutely ripped at the time. If I remember right, it's because your brain or eyes lose(s) focus on the object, and your brain begins to interpret the signals less accurately, and does what it does best and attempts to fill in the holes with what it thinks should be there.
    Basically your brain gets incorrect signals, and our brains be dumb, so it shows you the wrong shit.
  6. I've never morphed so to say, but when I look at my face in the mirror for ages I become a massive blue blur.
  7. Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary...... BLOODY MARY!
  8. the reflection of myself on the black of my tv whilst high is insane, I think because I can't see myself as well as a mirror it gives my imagination grounds to roam and I've turned in to some creepy shit man haha now I have to have my tv turned on whenever I'm high.
  9. I always end up looking in the mirror when i'm really baked lol. I get lost looking into my own eyes and just go into deep thought for like 10 minutes then snap out of it and continue on with whatever i was going to do :smoke: i haven't seen my face morph though i don't think.

  10. Thats what it is, i remember hearing the same explanation. I wonder if there is a name for this "phenomenon"

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