Mirical Grow, IMHO&Exp, is just bad for weed. Read up on Urea used in this product. It releases ammonia after being wet to qroduce the N it\'s makeing. Pot needs ammonia on a minute scale. Everytime you nute w/ MG you\'re zapping them w/ammonia. This is not good. I to like cheap, but not at the cost of my babies. alex
Well, that\'s like your opinion man.... I use the Miracle grow fert that GG recommends, and my plants are doing great. Once he set me straight on some things I was screwing up on, and told me what fert to use, and how to use it, I now have nice green plants that are thriving. I endorse the MG fert that GG recommends. This fool is full of shit. Ban me fuckers, I don\'t care. This place is crap now that this moron is here and GG got banned.... You people obviously don\'t give a fuck about plants or helping growers, and letting this idiot run amok here is proof of that.
GangaGuru got banned? What happened? MG Fertilizer is fine, it\'s the soils that suck. Dier recommends feeding them urea in veg. It is like 20-0-0 so very high in N.
He said it was his opinion. Everyone has one, even you. GG was temporarily banned. He was asked to chill with the disrespect and name-calling and he chose to continue. You just disrespected someone and called the Mod team \"fuckers\" which could get you banned as you asked to be. However, this is a warning. I suggest you not put all of your faith in just one person. To think that things have gone to \"crap\" because one member hasn\'t posted in a week is rather sad.