i am new to growing and i am growing a plant in cup of water mixed with a little good old black soil and today i put some mircale grow in there. i heard, after i put it in, that it can kill me if i smoke it now. i was wondering if that was true or not? iplan on moving it in a pot of soil pretty soon, so i need to know if i should just throw it away if i cant smoke it lol
it won't kill you, people use mircale-gro on shit they eat, but i know theres better ferts out there you could use. It might make it taste diffrent. but i'm blank minded right now so somebody else can post now and give you a real answer
alright. well to tell you about my plant, i only got one. i twas out side now i moved it inside for a few weeks. then i plan on movin it back out. 2nd or 3rd nod i think, somewhere in there.
the rain shouldn't hurt it, if its still really small it might fail over but you can always put a straw or something around the stem. I don't really worry about plants when there small, i figure its only going to take a few days to start a few more. I always start out with 5 or so plants if i want to end up with one good one. Do you have a digital cam, because that would really help us out. I have a cam but the batterys are out, but after i get new ones i'll post pics of my outdoor grow.
No chem ferts of any kind are good to inhale/consume,and tastes terrible,this is why growers use no ferts/water only the last 2 weeks before harvest. Try shultz fert products,or rapid gro,,they are much better than miracle grow..