Miracle Grow Perlite OK?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by phyking, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I'm goin to home depot tomorrow and saw they have MG Perlite for pretty cheap. Think this stuff will be ok or has anyone used it? I don't want any additives that MG is known for, allthere shity ferts I can do withought. Just want some straight perlite to add to my soil mix.
  2. Miracle Gro adds time-released ferts to their perlite, it's right on the bag. Avoid if possible. Go to a garden center / nursery rather than Home Depot for a better selection.
  3. #3 misterbotwin, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    see if they have organic perlite there
  4. He isn't asking about soil...
  5. Ok I saw on their website they got like 2 cb feet bag of perlite, normal but its like 16 bucks. I don't know I'm goin to stay away from mg so if they don't got it, they don't got it..

    And yea I need perlite I'm good on soil. ha I'm thinkin about stealin some gypsum leaves from there though. lol Just pull a few off those plants they got there.

  6. Where do you get your 'organic' perlite????:confused::rolleyes:


  7. Check garden or landscape supply places.

    A 4CuFt bag of perlite is ~$17 in my area.

    Those small bags at HD or Lowes will eat you up $$$ wise.

  8. My local hydro shop has 4cu ft bags of it for about $20, and the stuff not only is cheaper then Home Depot but it is bigger chunks.
  9. yeah thats what I'm sayin they got perlite but its 2 cuft for 17 bucks... I don't know the hydro store is like 20-30 mins away, just dont want to spend that and 20+ dollars to get what I need. Actually there is a nursury near by, they sell like orange trees and all different kinds of stuff, think they'll have it?
  10. ^Probably so. I'm sure they have a phone...
  11. Ha ya. I'm a lazy one though. Haha
  12. Flush it on ph adjusted water. Do it 3 or 4 times and even if it had MG in it it wont after the flush.
  13. Miracle Grow Perlite is fine if you wash it out first.

    Check out the grow in my signature.

    It's growing in 98% Miracle Grow Perlite.
  14. i got that perlite with miracle grow in it, all i do is pour the perlite in a bucket of water and all the perlight floats and the miracle grow fertz sink to the bottom then u just skim the top and there u go done it a few times already works great.
  15. I'm going to necro this thread.

    Miracle Grow perlite doesn't really have much nutes in it.
    0.07 - 0.07 - 0.07 N-P-K ratings.

    you can use it in place of regular perlite just fine. I still recommend an organic source, but that's mainly because it comes in bigger chunks so it's more effective.
  16. It depends what type of miracle grow perlite your looking at. plac where i work we sell 3 diff type , one is neutal, one is full of slow release crap (only good for bedding plans lol ) and i dunno about the third one,we onlu got it in there month ago. tho im in irl/uk so maybe our range is dfiferent here.

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